@AudemarsPiguet 創新精神成就永恒 #RoyalOak 設計, 就在今年邁向 50 年之際, 與 #VogueHongKong 聯手在 @K11Musea AP House 舉行“The Power of Next—Creatives to Watch” 聚會,室內設計師 @Samantha.Ssoo 與 @CandiceChanChao、畫廊創辦人 @Vanessa_Wong_HY 與 #DaphneKingYao、Women of Hong Kong 創辦人 @SarahVee.Asia、前港隊奧運泳手 @RobynLamsam、 音樂人 @OliviaXiaolin、領賢慈善基金董事及 Wild Child 創辦人 @AZYCheung、 個人珠寶品牌創辦人 @QiQi_Yam 、Mindish Head of Membership and Education @Dacruza、時裝品牌Autopilot創辦人 @AntoniaMLi、時裝品牌 No.HYP 創辦人 @TiffanyChanLo 、前東華三院總理 #FayCheung、星級運動教練 @UtahLee、Dalisay Collection 創辦人 @PristineLampard、Designer of Novel Fineries 創辦人 @June.K.Lau 、Zero-foodprint Asia 創辦人 @ThatPeggyChan 等各個領域表現出眾的女性交流探討, 以創意與視野成為未來的動力,即上 Vogue Hong Kong 官網了解是次活動,感受她們為香港帶來改變力量的魅力。
This year, Audemars Piguet celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Royal Oak, one of its most iconic timepieces. To coincide with the special occasion, the luxury Swiss manufacturer teamed up with Vogue Hong Kong to host "The Power of Next—Creatives to Watch", an inspiring gathering at AP House in K11 MUSEA. The event guest list consisted of outstanding female creatives - among them was Samantha Soo, Candice Chan, Vanessa Wong, Daphne King Yao, Sarah Vee, Robyn Lamsam, Olivia Dawn (Xiaolin), Amanda Cheung, QiQi, Antonia Da Cruz , Tiffany Chan, Antonia Li, Fay Cheung, Utah Lee, Pristine Lampard, June Lau and Peggy Chan. Visit Vogue Hong Kong website for more details.
Creative Director: Jacky Tam
Creative Director and Director of Videographer: Terence Man
Gaffer: Wai
Boom Operator: Sing
Video Editor: Terence Man
男神 @Eunwo.o_c#車銀優 以一身全黑造型亮相首爾 @Dior 概念店活動,率先欣賞 2022 冬季男裝系列。造型的精妙之處在於上衣將前後逆轉的拉鍊和領口細節,由這位「臉蛋天才」演繹創意總監 @MrKimJones 向 #ChristianDior 先生致敬的柔性剪裁,完美帶出其低調卻也不失巧妙的時尚韻味。
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Korean heartthrob Cha Eun-woo was among the first to attend Dior's Men's Winter 2022 collection preview at the concept store in Seongsu-dong, Seoul! The singer stole hearts in a sleek all-black ensemble from Kim Jone's latest Dior collection. Did you spot the zipper and collar on the back of the shirt?
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韓流天團 #少女時代@GirlsGeneration 即將推出第7張專輯《FOREVER 1》慶祝成團15週年,率先公開單曲《Mr. Taxi》中 @TaeYeon_ss@SeoJuHyun_s@SooYoungChoi 三位成員的形象照,各人分別穿上 @DolceGabbana@theAndamane@DundasWorld 連身裙造型展現身材線條,亦令人期待其他成員的新造型。這張睽違5年的新專輯,相信勢必再掀起一陣 K-POP熱潮。
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Gear up for the return of Girls' Generation! After a five-year hiatus, the iconic girl group celebrates the 15th anniversary of their debut with their 7th studio album "FOREVER 1", which is set to release on Aug 8. Take a look at the first set of concept photos, "MR. TAXI", of Taeyeon, Seohyun and Sooyoung looking as glamorous as ever in Dolce & Gabbana, The Andamane and Dundas.
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天后 @LadyGaga 巡迴演唱會 The Chromatica Ball Tour 正火熱進行中!剛剛結束的巴黎站巡演有7.6萬名觀眾到場,座無虛席,更破紀錄成為她職業生涯中單場觀眾人數最多的演唱會。舞台造型亦成為焦點,不僅精彩演繹 @GarethPughStudio、@VexClothing,更有親妹妹的工作室 @TopoStudioNY 為其歌曲《Alice》、《Telephone》、《Free Woman》打造的三套造型,在舞台燈光的映照下帶來震撼效果。
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Calling all Little Monsters! Lady Gaga is currently on her Chromatica Ball Tour, rocking a series of show-stopping looks with the help of Gareth Pugh, Vex Latex and Topo Studios. From latex dresses to molten gold suits, her bold and experimental outfits reflect her status as a style icon. She even broke a personal record with her Paris shows, where she performed her greatest hits to 76,000 adoring fans—the largest tour concert attendance in her career. What was your favourite look?
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走進充滿神秘的蘇格蘭特威德河畔!時下最炙手可熱的荷蘭模特兒 @RianneVanRompaey,在荷蘭攝影雙人組 @InezandVinoodh 的鏡頭下,優雅演繹 @Chanel.official 2022/23秋冬時裝系列,呼應了系列呈現當年Gabrielle Chanel從特威德河畔得到設計斜紋軟呢的靈感,並透過黑白及淡雅的色調,將蘇格蘭特鄉郊韻致融入都市生活,令人無比嚮往秋冬的來臨。
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Explore the hidden beauty of Scotland’s River Tweed! Chanel’s Autumn/Winter 2022/23 show was a loving ode to its trademark textile: tweed. Dutch model Rianne Van Rompaey showcased the collection in a stunning set of black and white photographs lensed by renowned photography duo Inez and Vinoodh. Drawing on Gabrielle Chanel’s love for the area, the collection emphasises countryside tranquillity with elements of modern life.
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一起跟著 @KendallJenner 去渡假!近日 Kendall 與好友在夏威夷踏上熱帶之旅,一身 two-in-one 造型以復古 @JeanPealGaultier 比堅尼配透視薄紗裙,雙疊的迷彩顏色與背後的日霞相互映照。回顧近日的渡假造型均少不得活潑亮麗的色彩和花紋,為夏日時尚掀起一股浪漫熱帶風潮。
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Kendall Jenner has perfected the art of holiday dressing! From florals to bright yellows, the supermodel loves a show stopping summer look. For a trip to Hawaii, Kendall soaked up some sun in a psychedelic Jean Paul Gaultier bodycon dress and matching bikini. Which look was your favourite?
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@Mirror.weare 今晚開始舉辦第一場紅館演唱會,12子接連帶來充滿時尚及霸氣的舞台造型,狀態大勇亦像姜濤所言,在為大家「炸場」!#鏡粉 們有沒有記下舞步,跟著一起跳最新演唱會主題曲《We Are》?
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Hong Kong's biggest boy band Mirror kicks off their 12-day concert tonight! Held at the Hong Kong Coliseum, all 12 members showcased their remarkable talent and standout fashion ensembles throughout the night. Did you learn the dance to Mirror's "We Are" Dance Challenge?
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剛剛過完27歲生日的 @_mariaHwasa 與韓國饒舌歌手 @satgotLoco 繼2018年共同演繹熱門單曲《Don't》之後,再度合作發佈單曲《Somebody!》。兩人在MV再現十足默契,運用貼紙、雨衣、巨型漢堡等趣味元素,#Hwasa 更戴上毛茸帽,活潑搞怪的風格令人會心一笑。
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Mamamoo's Hwasa and South Korean rapper Loco have done it again! Following their previous duet "Don't" released back in 2018, the duo have reunited for an upbeat summer song "Somebody!" The vibrant music video featured fun and playful elements such as stickers and hamburgers. Have you watched it?
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誰說時尚寵兒只屬於紅地毯?@Sydney_Sweeney 日前在 Boston 出席 @MLB 美國職棒大聯盟,為 @RedSox 紅襪隊對陣 @BlueJays 藍鳥隊賽場投出首球,更瀟灑打出全壘打。一向熱愛運動,無論捧球、籃球、MMA綜合格鬥甚至汽車機械修復也難不倒她,這次以一身紅襪隊造型亮相,再次證明甜美外貌下的實力也不容小覷!
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Sydney Sweeney sported a cropped Red Sox Jersey as she threw out the ceremonial first pitch of the MLB Red Sox vs. Blue Jays game! Whether it comes to basketball, skiing, mixed martial arts or auto mechanics, the multi-faceted actress is not one to be messed with.
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專訪 #湯唯@TangWei_mbox 細談《#分手的決心》這個由韓國名導朴贊郁譜寫的禁忌戀曲,並回顧湯唯的電影之旅!《分手的決心》在香港上映之際,湯唯向 #VogueHongKong 分享新作的背後故事,細說時隔11年再度挑戰韓國電影及最愛的角色等。這些年湯唯帶來多部代表作,憑着細緻入微的演技,透過作品得到業界的肯定、大家的關注。今年新作在康城影展首映後,更獲得全場觀眾起立鼓掌八分鐘。全文敬請期待 Vogue Hong Kong 八月刊。
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“Decision to Leave” is out in Hong Kong, marking renowned actress Tang Wei’s return to the Korean screen after 11 years. The romantic mystery is masterminded by director Park Chan-wook and received an eight-minute-long standing ovation at its Cannes Film Festival premiere. Read the full interview with Tang Wei in our upcoming August issue.
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@SpiceGirls 合體回歸都沒有機會看見 #碧咸嫂 唱跳表演,@VictoriaBeckham 為了哄家人開心,這晚與 @DavidBeckham 在著名法國里維耶拉度假的時候,竟然拿起麥克風大唱首本名曲 #Stop,讓人甚是懷念!
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Posh Spice returns! During the Beckhams’ family holiday, Victoria Beckham relived her Spice Girls days as she sang and danced to her iconic hit “Stop” on karaoke night. What a throwback!
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@JLo 53歲生日快樂!早前與 #BenAffleck 共諧連理後,這對新婚夫妻隨即飛往巴黎度蜜月,而天后更不忘換上多套 @Forte_Forte 黑色連身裙、@Reformation 碎花裙配搭 @Gucci 手袋等 honeymoon 造型亮相街頭,高調大曬甜蜜互動,非常幸福!
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Happy birthday Jennifer Lopez! The newlywed singer recently flew to Paris for her honeymoon with her husband Ben Affleck and was spotted in a series of stylish holiday looks from the likes of Forte_Forte, Reformation and Gucci.
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作為山茶花的專家, @Chanel.Beauty 以紅色山茶花作引旨的N°1 de CHANEL,寫下護膚美容界的新編章,揉合天然成分與創新科技,加上愛護環境的可持續理念,從種植和生產過程也致力削減碳足跡,無論是對未來的遠景及產品功效都切合現今女性的極致追求,絕對值得支持。《VOGUE》Hong Kong 早前跨地域專訪@StephanieHSAu@Nicholas_Edward,以用家身份解說愛上N°1 de CHANEL 的理由,見證紅色山茶花的非凡能量帶來的肌膚轉變,立即點擊Link in Bio了解更多。
CHANEL Beauty’s N°1 de CHANEL skincare collection revolves around the house’s emblematic camellia, merging natural ingredients with innovative technology and a sustainable focus. Paving the way to a cleaner, greener future, CHANEL has reduced waste at every step of the process, from the cultivation of ingredients to packaging and production. Vogue Hong Kong spoke with Stephanie Au and Nicholas Edward to discover the revitalising power of the red camellia at the core of CHANEL's new beauty collection. Click the link in bio to learn more.
特別注重肌膚健康的 @StephanieHSAu ,在黃金海岸與大家一同分享她對 @Chanel.Beauty N°1 de CHANEL 系列的用後感,屬於敏感肌的她,面對天氣轉變及猛烈陽光,膚質依然細膩年輕,令她認定紅山茶花的天然護膚能量,大讚非常驚喜!除了一直愛用的 CHANEL一號紅山茶花精華液,更加入同系列的CHANEL一號紅山茶花潔面粉及爽膚水,以潔淨及爽膚步驟,全方位為肌膚注入年輕活力,想好似 Stephanie 一身小麥肌加上細緻的膚質,在陽光與海灘下散發出健康光澤,立即點擊Link in Bio了解更多。
Stephanie has always recognised the importance of a good skincare routine. Now in Gold Coast, Australia, Stephanie’s delicate skin is faced with shifting climates and harsh sunlight, which she tackles with CHANEL’s N°1 de CHANEL collection. The new line harnesses the potency of the red camellia, while Stephanie's picks include the powder-to-foam cleanser and lotion which purify, refine and rejuvenate with a holistic, sensorial approach. Discover Stephanie’s secret to radiant, flawless skin at the link in bio.
Art Director: Kat Yeung
Videographers: Stuart Shepherd & Brett Greig
Video Editor: Harold Lau
Producers: Jess Lund at Visual Domain & Matthew Lee
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist: Emma Christine Rawlings
Wardrobe: Dresses, Jonathan Simkhai & Hunza G. Both from Net-A-Porter
Venue: @SheratonGrandGoldCoast#voguehkbeauty#N1DECHANEL#CHANELSkincare#SkincareEssentials#RedCamellia#voguepresents
@BTS.BigHitOfficial 防彈少年團最新專輯《#Proof》概念照釋出!團隊上月於拉斯維加斯的演唱會舞台上驚喜宣佈回歸,官方今天更釋出最新造型照,讓全球 #ARMY 粉絲更熱切期待團隊於 6 月10 日回歸。以透白紗帳為背景,和 BTS 於 2013 年的《N.O.》MV的佈景竟有幾分相似!專輯將包含三張唱片,記載了成員們對團隊的過去、現在和未來的看法,可見概念背後的心思。
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BTS unveils ethereal concept photos ahead of the release of their anthology album "Proof"! The upcoming alum will feature three new tracks alongside BTS' past hits and is set to drop on June 10. Are you ready for the sensational septet's comeback?
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