專訪 #湯唯@TangWei_mbox 細談《#分手的決心》這個由韓國名導朴贊郁譜寫的禁忌戀曲,並回顧湯唯的電影之旅!《分手的決心》在香港上映之際,湯唯向 #VogueHongKong 分享新作的背後故事,細說時隔11年再度挑戰韓國電影及最愛的角色等。這些年湯唯帶來多部代表作,憑着細緻入微的演技,透過作品得到業界的肯定、大家的關注。今年新作在康城影展首映後,更獲得全場觀眾起立鼓掌八分鐘。全文敬請期待 Vogue Hong Kong 八月刊。
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“Decision to Leave” is out in Hong Kong, marking renowned actress Tang Wei’s return to the Korean screen after 11 years. The romantic mystery is masterminded by director Park Chan-wook and received an eight-minute-long standing ovation at its Cannes Film Festival premiere. Read the full interview with Tang Wei in our upcoming August issue.
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