剛剛過完27歲生日的 @_mariaHwasa 與韓國饒舌歌手 @satgotLoco 繼2018年共同演繹熱門單曲《Don't》之後,再度合作發佈單曲《Somebody!》。兩人在MV再現十足默契,運用貼紙、雨衣、巨型漢堡等趣味元素,#Hwasa 更戴上毛茸帽,活潑搞怪的風格令人會心一笑。
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Mamamoo's Hwasa and South Korean rapper Loco have done it again! Following their previous duet "Don't" released back in 2018, the duo have reunited for an upbeat summer song "Somebody!" The vibrant music video featured fun and playful elements such as stickers and hamburgers. Have you watched it?
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