@BTS.BigHitOfficial 防彈少年團最新專輯《#Proof》概念照釋出!團隊上月於拉斯維加斯的演唱會舞台上驚喜宣佈回歸,官方今天更釋出最新造型照,讓全球 #ARMY 粉絲更熱切期待團隊於 6 月10 日回歸。以透白紗帳為背景,和 BTS 於 2013 年的《N.O.》MV的佈景竟有幾分相似!專輯將包含三張唱片,記載了成員們對團隊的過去、現在和未來的看法,可見概念背後的心思。
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BTS unveils ethereal concept photos ahead of the release of their anthology album "Proof"! The upcoming alum will feature three new tracks alongside BTS' past hits and is set to drop on June 10. Are you ready for the sensational septet's comeback?
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