特別注重肌膚健康的 @StephanieHSAu ,在黃金海岸與大家一同分享她對 @Chanel.Beauty N°1 de CHANEL 系列的用後感,屬於敏感肌的她,面對天氣轉變及猛烈陽光,膚質依然細膩年輕,令她認定紅山茶花的天然護膚能量,大讚非常驚喜!除了一直愛用的 CHANEL一號紅山茶花精華液,更加入同系列的CHANEL一號紅山茶花潔面粉及爽膚水,以潔淨及爽膚步驟,全方位為肌膚注入年輕活力,想好似 Stephanie 一身小麥肌加上細緻的膚質,在陽光與海灘下散發出健康光澤,立即點擊Link in Bio了解更多。
Stephanie has always recognised the importance of a good skincare routine. Now in Gold Coast, Australia, Stephanie’s delicate skin is faced with shifting climates and harsh sunlight, which she tackles with CHANEL’s N°1 de CHANEL collection. The new line harnesses the potency of the red camellia, while Stephanie's picks include the powder-to-foam cleanser and lotion which purify, refine and rejuvenate with a holistic, sensorial approach. Discover Stephanie’s secret to radiant, flawless skin at the link in bio.
Art Director: Kat Yeung
Videographers: Stuart Shepherd & Brett Greig
Video Editor: Harold Lau
Producers: Jess Lund at Visual Domain & Matthew Lee
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist: Emma Christine Rawlings
Wardrobe: Dresses, Jonathan Simkhai & Hunza G. Both from Net-A-Porter
Venue: @SheratonGrandGoldCoast#voguehkbeauty#N1DECHANEL#CHANELSkincare#SkincareEssentials#RedCamellia#voguepresents