【APRIL ISSUE 4月刊】For VOGUE China's April Issue, China’s Pop Princess, Chris Lee (@urnotchrislee), collaborated with renowned contemporary dance group TAO (@taodancetheater) on choreographing a haunting performance art piece. As a singer-songwriter, a lover of contemporary art and, of course, a VOGUE+ (@vogueplus) guest editor, Ms Lee is no stranger to the fruits of team work or the power of a good dance break. Yet, this co-creation was unlike anything the three artists have ever done before in their independent work. Captured by photographer-director Jumbo Tsui (@jumbotsui), the piece is a perfect representation of this month's @voguechina theme, "Better Together". As she prepares to embark on her nationwide tour, Lee is keeping an open mind: "I was really looking forward to handing over myself over to this process, this kind of creative exchange," Lee said in conversation with Duan Ni and Tao Ye, citing this performance piece as an extension of her natural, expressive body language.
Watch the full performance art piece at VOGUE's WeChat and read more on Chris Lee and TAO's outlook on collective creation in the pages of VOGUE China's April Issue.
本期VOGUE四⽉刊封面中,中国流⾏歌⼿、名副其实的舞台王者李宇春与享誉世界的现代舞团陶身体剧场合作拍摄了⼀部动⼈的艺术作品。作为⼀名流⾏音乐人、当代艺术爱好者以及 VOGUE+的客座嘉宾,李宇春无论是对舞蹈内在力量的演绎、还是团队合作的⼒量都不陌生。此次艺术合作的过程别具一格,相比过往独⽴工作中的⼀些习惯,李宇春和陶身体剧场创始人段妮和陶冶在这次合作中都有了一些⾮比寻常的意外收获。这个过程被本期的摄影师兼导演隋建博拍摄捕捉,其作品完美诠释了本⽉的主题“Better Together”。
人物 Talent 李宇春 @urnotchrislee in collaboration with 陶冶、段妮 @taodancetheater
摄影 Photographed and Directed by 隋建博 Jumbo Tsui @jumbotsui
创意总监 Artistic Director Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型 Styled by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
化妆 Make-up by Qiqi Liu @qiqiliu776 (李宇春)、王茜 @wangqian_makeup (陶冶、段妮)
发型 Hair by 雪孟 @xuemeng_0214 (李宇春) 、王茜 @wangqian_makeup (陶冶、段妮)
助理创意编辑 Assistant Art Designer Vicki Liang @vickii_ll
制作 Produced by 郭月女 Summer Guo @summerloti
【PhotoVOGUE】Since @voguechina’s September Issue New Beginnings, the editorial team have been working to spotlight and mentor some of China's most exciting new photographic talent. This month, we're proud to bring @PhotoVOGUE to our shores for the first time: a full volume in celebration of photography, spotlighting the unique perspectives of 34 photographers ranging in styles and backgrounds. Among them (in order of above swipe): Hailun Ma (@hailunma), Theo Xiangyu Liu (@xiangyu_liu), Bilal Ali (@bilalll), Wang Wei (@wangwei_instagram), Josh O'Connor (@joshographee), Leslie Zhang (@lesliezhang1992), Luo Yang (@luoyangggg), Xiang Sun (@xiangsun) and Bon Duke (@bondukestudio), to name a few.
Our cover and first chapter is photographed by none other than the man himself, Ryan McGinley (@ryanmcginleystudios). Known for his collision between the real and an envisioned reality, McGinley turns his lens on the ultimate modern muse, Kaia Gerber (@kaiagerber) one sun-drenched day on a ranch in California - a far cry from McGinley's native New Jersey and early Polaroids, indeed, but no less honest. When considering which master of photography could spearhead our first PhotoVOGUE edition, the VOGUE China editorial team came across an exchange between McGinley and Charlotte Jansen. Of his outlook, he said, "I try hard to make my photos look unsophisticated because I think it connects with people on an emotional level. I work hard to make sure my photos have integrity. I use my camera to escape my reality. When I’m shooting I get lost in the creative process. I’m in the moment and not affected by the real world." A perfect alignment with PhotoVOGUE’s principles and mission.
See more in the pages of VOGUE China's first PhotoVOGUE issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.
【SNOWBACK】 Of course, the minute things heat up, I’m missing the snow ❄️ [subzero-swipe from the past few years: New York > Shelter Island > Beijing > Shanghai > New York > Beijing > New York]
【BEAUTY PAPER 3月刊】There's an unplaceable magic to Léa Seydoux (@leaseydoux_genuine) - our third @voguechina Beauty Paper cover star. The actress spoke to VOGUE about a certain spirituality both in the art that moves her and in her own creative process. “When I arrive on the set, it’s sacred. Arriving in a church, you see what I mean?” She says. “I like when I arrive on set and it’s very quiet and people are focused… When we are all together, creating something. I love to feel that – the spirit of creation.”
本期的VOGUEbeauty Paper封面人物,我们邀请到了一位迷人的法国女演员——Léa Seydoux(@leaseydoux_genuine),无论是《法兰西特派》中的严苛狱警,还是《 007: 无暇赴死》中的“邦女郎”,Seydoux对自己所扮演的角色, 从来都是倾尽全力, 全情投入到其所演绎的每一个角色之中。这一次,我们与她相约在浪漫的巴黎,共同探索关于平凡之日的“Magic”,在采访过程中,Seydoux表现地十分健谈且开朗,当被问道:“小时候相信魔法吗?” “那当然啦!我小时候可信魔法啦,长大了,某种程度上我也信。”她回答得很直接,伴随着沉静且严肃的嗓音。“我相信神迹的存在。如果要举例的话,对我来说,艺术就是魔法。艺术是很美妙的存在,一幅画,一部电影。每当被什么东西触动,我就会有这种感觉,就像……”她在思索中,略作停顿,“是一种带有宗教气息的感受。”
前往《服饰与美容VOGUE》三月刊及VOGUE China官方微信小程序,共同加入与Léa Seydoux的这趟“Magic”之旅
摄影 Photographed by Greg Harris @gstyles
创意总监 Artistic Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
美容总监 Beauty Director 张骞文 Valerie Zhang
造型 Styled by Dogukan Nesanir @dogi_
化妆 Make-up by Sandrine Cano @sandrinecanobock
发型 Hair by Alexandrine Piel @alexandrinepiel
美甲 Nails by Anatole Rainey @by_anatole
撰文 Writer Georgia Graham @bfg_graham
制片 Produced by Jocelyn Rummler @jocelyn.rummler Azra Moraca @azramoraca
【MARCH ISSUE 三月刊】The stars of our @voguechina March Issue cover story each challenge society’s standards of what is seen as “beautiful” in vastly different ways. Even with heated debate about beauty standards resurfacing season after season, there is no getting around media’s glossy promotion of often “unrealistic” definitions of beauty. In recent years, the overwhelming influence of social media and the increased accessibility of previously industry-only airbrushing technology has only fueled warped views of what is “beautiful” or even “real”. And so, our March Issue is here to get real — handing the mic to these dynamic women, ranging in walks of life and personal outlooks on what our theme of “Everybody” means to them.
2022年北京冬奥会,让体育竞技再次成为热议的焦点话题,奥运健儿们所展现出的振奋、无畏和勇往直前,使我们得以感受和欣赏到体育精神之”美“。或许你会问,究竟何为“美”呢? 是运动健儿们矫健的身姿,还是奋力追逐梦想的坚持,抑或身边那些拥有自爱之心的平凡人?答案自然都是肯定的。本期三月刊,我们邀请了几位来自不同行业拥有不同背景和身份的女性登上封面,以她们最自信、自足的姿态向我们展示了“美”的多样,并聊了聊她们所理解的多样之”美“。近些年来对“美”的讨论从未停止,社交媒体上大量所谓”理想化“的形象更一定程度上影响和扭曲着大众对美和真实的感知。而本期,以“美”的定义为主题内容的策划绝非偶然,我们希望通过去聚焦和展现这些独特的美,让读者感受到“美”是不可被定义和标签化的,它实际上属于每一个平凡的“自己”,无论是超模的时尚之“美”、还是历经苦难后的力量之“美”,抑或大胆袒露自我的接纳之“美”。美,无定式,而我们需要做的则是加入这场认识自己、表达自己、最终成为自己的寻”美“之路。
Hear more from He Cong (@heconghc), Mary Ma, Niu Yu, Xu Ruoxin, Winnie Zhong (@xxbunno), Dong Yunxi, Ye Yumei, Yang Shengjie (@yangshengjie99), Sun Tiantian, Zhong Liye (@wiwin_zhong) and Qing Yi in the pages of our March Issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.
摄影 Photographed by Nick Yang @_nickyang3
造型 Styled by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
创意总监 Artistic Director Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
化妆 Make-up by Yooyo Keong Ming @yooyomakeup
发型 Hair by 徐友华 @xuyouhua1206
美甲 Nails by Nana
制片 Producer C Side
助理创意编辑 Assistant Creative Editor Vicki Liang @vickii_ll
美术 Set Design Oolong 乌龙 @oolongzzz
【爱凌】On the eve of Beijing’s Winter Olympics opening Ceremony, a moment for our third @vogueplus guest editor, Eileen Gu (@eileen_gu_). Following in the footsteps of @vogueplus edit-alumni, Timothée Chalamet and Chris Lee 李宇春,Eileen is a trailblazer for Chinese women on the slopes and a true dreamer.
I first met Eileen almost a year ago in a tearoom overlooking Central Park in New York. My first impression was: what a breath of fresh air. At the time, the champion freestyle skiier was just 17 years old – mature beyond her years, with astonishing strength of character and fire-y ambition, but not without the bright-eyed naiveté that is really required to provide a truly fresh perspective. Her mind is unshackled by operational realities, logistical impossibilities, boring “adult” considerations that would usually draw a “reality check” boundary around even the most groundbreaking artist's wildest ideals. This makes for the optimal VOGUE+ Guest Editor.
Today, the self-described “Princess Frog” stands on the precipice of meteoric success. Go get-’em, Gu.
我跟谷爱凌的初次见面大约是在一年前,那是在纽约一间可俯瞰中央公园的茶室里,正像那天下午明媚的阳光,Eileen是如此清新又富有活力,她身上那股朝气蓬勃的气息令我非常印象深刻。当时的Eileen虽然只有 17 岁,却在我们的交谈中显现出了超乎她年龄的成熟——相比同龄人,她对自己的未来有着更清晰的规划,这一点正呼应了她坚强而又勇敢的性格,与此同时,她偶尔散发出的单纯浪漫却也毫不突兀,我想,这两股看似冲突的气质,在她身上糅合交织,展现的正是一种“和而不同”的创新精神。当收到请她来担任VOGUE+的第三位客座编辑的邀约时,Eileen激动到几乎从椅子上跳起来,连说带比划,差不多毫无保留地与我分享了她梦想中的项目: 她想出演一部短片,想把她最喜欢的国内外艺术家一起编入一篇视觉文章,想要留下美丽的图像回忆…就这样,在我们的初次见面,这一期就早已被Eileen的梦想一页页填满。
尽管我们尝试在一期杂志的篇幅内,把这位奥运选手严酷的训练日程尽可能丰富地形象化。但这显然远远不够,毕竟仅仅一页手写的想法,就至少已经向我们描绘出了多达 30 页的梦想。不过,幸运的是,我们还会有更多的机会与这位才华横溢的奥运选手共创梦想中的未来。这期杂志只是我们与Eileen众多合作项目的开篇之作。在此,我们邀请大家与我们一起走进Eileen的世界,关于她的滑雪职业生涯背后,关于她一直在关注和思考的,关于她的童年经历和口袋日记… 共同感受Eileen的“换码人生”。
In the pages of our #VOGUE➕EILEENGU February Issue and on our VOGUE+ WeChat, read Gu's first essay about her love affair with fear and adrenaline, watch her act in her first short film, and flick through her first co-curation of Chinese artists' works focusing on climate change's impact on not only her sport, but its surrounding natural environment.
摄影 Photographed by Davit Giorgadze @d.avit
造型 Styled by Christian Stemmler @stemmi
字体特效 Art by 张懒栏 @lazybackhome
【新年快乐 RED SWIPE】恭祝你们及家人新春快乐,平安康健,工作顺利,诸事顺遂,虎年大吉,如虎添翼! 🧧
Wishing you all a safe and restful Spring Festival with loved ones, and prosperous new Year of the Tiger 🐯