【PhotoVOGUE】Since @voguechina’s September Issue New Beginnings, the editorial team have been working to spotlight and mentor some of China's most exciting new photographic talent. This month, we're proud to bring @PhotoVOGUE to our shores for the first time: a full volume in celebration of photography, spotlighting the unique perspectives of 34 photographers ranging in styles and backgrounds. Among them (in order of above swipe): Hailun Ma (@hailunma), Theo Xiangyu Liu (@xiangyu_liu), Bilal Ali (@bilalll), Wang Wei (@wangwei_instagram), Josh O'Connor (@joshographee), Leslie Zhang (@lesliezhang1992), Luo Yang (@luoyangggg), Xiang Sun (@xiangsun) and Bon Duke (@bondukestudio), to name a few.
Our cover and first chapter is photographed by none other than the man himself, Ryan McGinley (@ryanmcginleystudios). Known for his collision between the real and an envisioned reality, McGinley turns his lens on the ultimate modern muse, Kaia Gerber (@kaiagerber) one sun-drenched day on a ranch in California - a far cry from McGinley's native New Jersey and early Polaroids, indeed, but no less honest. When considering which master of photography could spearhead our first PhotoVOGUE edition, the VOGUE China editorial team came across an exchange between McGinley and Charlotte Jansen. Of his outlook, he said, "I try hard to make my photos look unsophisticated because I think it connects with people on an emotional level. I work hard to make sure my photos have integrity. I use my camera to escape my reality. When I’m shooting I get lost in the creative process. I’m in the moment and not affected by the real world." A perfect alignment with PhotoVOGUE’s principles and mission.
See more in the pages of VOGUE China's first PhotoVOGUE issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.