This is your mid-week reminder to stay hydrated and wear SPF.
摄影 Photographer Shini Park @shini.park (静物) , PENN @pennimage
化妆 Make-up by Freya Ni @freyaisasheep.mua
发型 Hair by 楼伟俊 @louweijun
静物造型 Set Designer 蒋金
模特 Model 夏源岑 @xyyccccccc
35°C in Beijing today: we're longing for a Summer storm and a swim in the rain. From the pages of VOGUE China's August Issue.
摄影 Photographed by Nick Yang @_nickyang3
造型 Styled by 赵慧Michelle Zhao @muchellle
化妆 Make-up by Visuelle
发型 Hair by Jason.x @jasonxhair
模特 Model 潘浩文 @panhaowen1, 苏晨成
编辑 Editor 孙莉 Teresa sun @teresa.s.u.n
统筹编辑 Production Editor 郭月女 Summer Guo @summerloti
执行制片 Executive Producer曹燃 @caoran77
挑战重重,是压力也是机遇。对活在当下的雎晓雯(@jujujuxiaowen)来说,正是这些挑战的存在,才使得生活和工作的意义变得更加美妙且多元化。相比孩童时期的“不知”所以“无畏”,在大人的世界里,她的这份心态实属难得,随着年龄的增长我们所顾虑的事情越多,便愈发缺少这种原始的动力。在种种顾虑面前,雎晓雯则表示自己会整理好心绪以勇敢面对,“很开心,真的就是那种‘我不管了,此时此刻就要去打’的劲头,这种原始的动力很迷人。” 想必,这便是真正的冒险精神吧。
VOGUE China's August Issue cover star, Ju Xiaowen, is living in the moment. Lensed by rising star photographer, Leslie Zhang (@lesliezhang1992), the Chinese supermodel tells VOGUE that she has thrown caution to the wind this summer. "I'm very happy. Right now, I'm really in this 'I don't care, I'm living in the moment' state of being. It's a very raw motivation. There's a magic to it."
See Xiaowen's full visual odyssey in the pages of our August Issue and on VOGUE China's WeChat.
摄影 Photographer 张家诚 Leslie Zhang @lesliezhang1992
时装总监 Fashion Director Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型统筹 Styled by Yang Yi @11.1i1i
发型 Hair by 张明虎 John Zhang @minghuzhanghair
化妆 Makeup by Yooyo Keong Ming @yooyomakeup
美甲 Nails by Finger Space
美术 Set Design by Feifei Li @feifeili
模特 Model 雎晓雯 @jujujuxiaowen
编辑 Editor 张静 Mia Zhang
制作 Production 王珏 Julie Wang @juliewang2529, 周扬 Zhou Yang @fatboy__productions
执行制片 Executive Producer 顾家辉 @sonneku, Colour @colourfulb7
创意执行 Creative Production 饺子 @jiao_zizi, Equal
花艺 Florals by Bloop Bloop @bloop______bloop
器材提供Equipment Provided by Studio Geek @studiogeeksh
与此同时,旅途中那些无所畏惧的榜样也显得尤为重要。无论是纪录片《徒手攀岩》中的主人公Alex Honnold,网球巨星Rafael Nadal和Roger Federer,从这些了不起的运动者们身上,雎晓雯就感受到了专注的魅力,“我觉得只要你认真钻研一件事,就可以把这个世间的很多东西都弄明白。比如各行各业里那些很厉害的人,你如果仔细分析,会发现他们所讲的都出奇的一致。”
摄影 Photographer 张家诚 Leslie Zhang @lesliezhang1992
导演 Video Director Mo Lyu @molyu_
时装总监 Fashion Director Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型统筹 Styled by Yang Yi @11.1i1i
发型 Hair by 张明虎 John Zhang @minghuzhanghair
化妆 Makeup by Yooyo Keong Ming @yooyomakeup
美甲 Nails by Finger Space
美术 Set Design by Feifei Li @feifeili
模特 Model 雎晓雯 @jujujuxiaowen
编辑 Editor 张静 Mia Zhang
助理创意编辑 Assistant Art Designer Vicki Liang @vickiliang_
制作 Production 王珏 Julie Wang @juliewang2529, 周扬 Zhou Yang @fatboy__productions
执行制片 Executive Producer 顾家辉 @sonneku, Colour @colourfulb7
创意执行 Creative Production 饺子 @jiao_zizi, Equal
视频制片 Video Producer Keane
视频执行制片 Video Line Producer AJ
摄影师 DOP Shuren
灯光师 Gaffer 黄安 Huang An
数据传输DIT 伊雯 Yi Wen
调色Colour Grading 王明辉Wang Minghui
精修 Online Sidney
音效设计Sound Design Ernest Choi @ernboiiii
花艺 Florals by Bloop Bloop @bloop______bloop
器材提供 Equipment Provided by Studio Geek @studiogeeksh
本期八月刊封面人物,我们邀请到了一位老朋友——乐观而又灵动的雎晓雯 (@jujujuxiaowen) 。这次的封面拍摄,是她在上海结束隔离后的第一个工作,兴奋之情自不必多说,而那份呼之欲出的表达欲在这一刻也终将得以释放。此次摄影师是与晓雯合作过多次的张家诚 (@lesliezhang1992) ,聊及再度合作的感受,她感慨于他们之间无言的默契,那是一种紧紧连在一起的对彼此的信任与相知。
VOGUE China's August Issue cover star is Xiaowen Ju (@jujujuxiaowen) embodies the beauty of adversity. While it is nice to see "results" or the end game, the Chinese supermodel has built her adult life and career on the belief that the only difference between adventure and adversity is simply attitude. To her legions of fans, Ju is an advocate for the path less taken - life is simply more interesting this way. "I really aspire to having more courage," Ju tells VOGUE on set of her cover shoot. "I hope I'm able to set aside those 'superfluous' insecurities and obstacles we run into, and just seize the opportunity, try it now, solve it. I really believe a little bit of adventure every day makes you a more interesting person."
Read up and see Xiaowen's visual odyssey in the pages of our August Issue, and on our VOGUE WeChat.
摄影 Photographer 张家诚 Leslie Zhang @lesliezhang1992
创意总监 Artistic Director Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
时装总监 Fashion Director Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型统筹 Styled by Yang Yi @11.1i1i
发型 Hair by 张明虎 John Zhang @minghuzhanghair
化妆 Makeup by Yooyo Keong Ming @yooyomakeup
美甲 Nails by Finger Space
美术 Set Design by Feifei Li @feifeili
模特 Model 雎晓雯 @jujujuxiaowen
编辑 Editor 张静 Mia Zhang
制作 Production 王珏 Julie Wang @juliewang2529, 周扬 Zhou Yang @fatboy__productions
执行制片 Executive Producer 顾家辉 @sonneku, Colour @colourfulb7
创意执行 Creative Production 饺子 @jiao_zizi, Equal
花艺 Florals by Bloop Bloop @bloop______bloop
器材提供Equipment Provided by Studio Geek @studiogeeksh
Today, we embark on a dynamic adventure into the unknown, lead by VOGUE China's August Issue cover star... gear up and stay tuned.
来自《服饰与美容VOGUE》七月刊内页,置身广阔的原始热带雨林,任何萦绕在心中的郁气仿佛都会慢慢退散。在西双版纳生活了二十年的李林妲 (@lilindamargraf) 早已将雨林当作她最为安心的后方,“我妹妹和我在中国的南方地区出生和长大,那里是中国最后一片雨林的所在地,”李林妲告诉 VOGUE。 “我的父亲是一名德国生态学家,母亲是一名中国记者,他们一直致力于环境保护。在这样的家庭和环境中长大,养成了我们保护和恢复动植物的原始栖息地的责任心——这种社会责任感在历史上曾因‘刀耕火种’耕作方式而逐渐退化。”而对于和雨林接触不多的模特范靖涵 (@jinghan__fan) 而言,这次照面也像是一次身心灵的疗愈。“真正走进雨林,风一吹起来,树叶上满是清新的味道。”她也终于明白了学生时代语文课本里所说的“泥土的味道”,雨林中仿佛有一种无法用言语解释的疗愈之力,在这次拍摄中深深抚慰着她,“大自然是可以让我放空的所在,抛下烦恼,去感受开心。”
In the pages of our July Issue: model and environmentalist Li-Linda Margraf shows VOGUE cover model Fan Jinghan (@jinghan__fan) and photographer Theo Liu (@xiangyu_liu) the piece of Xishuangbanna paradise that she and her sister, Vanda (@vanda_0618), have dedicated their lives to protecting and restoring. "My sister and I were born and raised in the southernmost region of China, which is home the last rainforest in the country," Margraf tells VOGUE. "My father, who was a German ecologist, and my mother, a Chinese journalist, had devoted themselves to environmental protection. Growing up in such a family and environment instilled in us a duty to protect and restore the original habitats of flora and fauna that had been historically degraded by 'slash and burn' farming methods." Of her sojourn away from the organised chaos of city life, Fan is floored by the healing calm of the forest.
The Margraf sisters' work in Jinghong, Yunnan, is representative of this generation's outlook on their role as a part of their surrounding natural ecosystem - an actionable sense of responsibility, making concrete changes to their ways of living rather than being encumbered by mere discourse.
Run away with Li-Linda and Fan in the pages of our July Issue and on VOGUE's WeChat this Summer.
摄影 Photographed by Theo Liu @xiangyu_liu
造型 Styled by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
发型 Hair by Issac Yu @issac_yu
化妆 Make-up by Anna Hu @annahu181
模特 Models 范靖涵 Fan Jinghan @jinghan__fan, Li-Linda Margraf 李林妲 @lilindamargraf
制片 Producer Gabriella Chen @gabriella_chen
The days are getting longer. Your evening commute distorts in the shimmer of Summer Fridays. You phone a friend and make plans to escape the sweat of city concrete for the weekend ahead.
Run away with us in the pages of our July Issue and on VOGUE's WeChat this Summer.
摄影 Photographed by Felix Cooper @felix_cooper
造型 Styled by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
执行造型 On-set Styling by Asai @asaitakeaway
发型 Hair by Kei Terada @keiterada
化妆 Make-up by Bea Sweet @beasweetbeauty
美甲 Nails by Chisato @chisatochee
置景设计 Set Designer Sean Thomson @sean_thomson_
模特 Model Xie Chaoyu @xie.chaoyu
制片 Producer Leonard Cuinet @leonardpetit, Callum Anderson
制作 Production by Amelia Heritage @bewee1
VOGUE cover model Fan Jinghan (@jinghan__fan) runs the streets of Beijing one sleepless, sticky summer night.
Join her in the pages of our July Issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.
摄影 Photographed by姜南 @giiiiiiiiinger
造型 Styled by 赵慧 Michelle Zhao @muchellle
统筹编辑 Production Editor 戴丽斯 @dellis.d
化妆 Make-up by 陈瑞奇 Ricky Chen @ricky_chan1
发型 Hair by 登登 @dengdeng__deng
模特 Model范靖涵 @jinghan__fan
执行制片 Produced by Luen
这个炙夏,《服饰与美容VOGUE》邀你共赴一场“热浪”之旅,与Kendall Jenner相约山林之间,探索“热”的无限可能。在摄影师Inez & Vinoodh专业而艺术的构思视角下,她的个人魅力和气场为我们谱写着这首夏日奏曲,在随心破“浪”间放松步伐,自由探索。忠于自我的她,与大自然的丰盛开阔相融,散开又互通,所有的生命力在那一刻为之绽放,寓意无穷,在天地之间坦然自若。
The heat is on for your Hottest Girl Summer on the road with Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) and Inez & Vinoodh (@inezandvinoodh).
See more in the pages of our July Issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.
摄影 Photographed by Inez & Vinoodh @inezandvinoodh
创意总监 Art Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型指导 Fashion Direction by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型 Styled by George Cortina @georgecortina
发型 Hair by Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto
化妆 Make-up by Sam Visser @samvissermakeup
美甲 Nails by Betina R. Goldstein @betina_goldstein
模特 Model Kendall Jenner @kendalljenner
制作 Produced by Brachfeld @brachfeld_ , VLM Production @vlm.productions
骄阳下风过林梢,绿茵山林间,身着绮丽的Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) 犹如那抹闪耀而明亮的风景线,以别样的方式闯入夏日的灼热,将其个人气场的活力与山间的无限风光完美融合,以明亮的色彩描绘春日情怀,也续写着持续攀升的夏日精彩。
The forecast is red hot for your Summer on the road with Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) in the rolling hills of California.
See more in the pages of our July Issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.
摄影 Photographed by Inez & Vinoodh @inezandvinoodh
创意总监 Art Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型指导 Fashion Direction by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型 Styled by George Cortina @georgecortina
发型 Hair by Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto
化妆 Make-up by Sam Visser @samvissermakeup
美甲 Nails by Betina R. Goldstein @betina_goldstein
模特 Model Kendall Jenner @kendalljenner
制作 Produced by Brachfeld @brachfeld_ , VLM Production @vlm.productions
气温日渐攀升,热浪正在来袭。本期七月刊封面,Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) 这位出生于加州阳光下的超模带我们卷入夏日漩涡。酷暑之下,在摄影师Inez & Vinoodh专业技巧和艺术构思之中,光芒四射的Kendall将其个人魅力与山林间的无限风光完美融合,此次封面一经发布,便迅速收获众多关注、登上微博热搜榜单。对于始终占据时尚领域热度之上的Kendall来讲,无论是摄影镜头前的展露,还是面对各种热评、争议以及聚光灯下的高热,她早已学会了如何平衡,坦然面对,尽管这位聚光灯下的时尚宠儿因为家庭原因曾备受争议,但不可否认的是,她早已成为全球粉丝争相模仿的对象,不断用一次次打破常规的大片演绎,一个个令人惊叹的时尚造型,在时尚圈不断掀起创意热潮。
As temperatures rise and the sun is out in full force for the weekend, California native Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) is coming in hot as our Summer roadtripper for VOGUE China's July Issue cover. Lensed by Inez & Vinoodh (@inezandvinoodh), the celebrity model is no stranger to the hotseat - indeed, this very cover hit Weibo's "hot list" of China's most trending topics this week. But, in spite of the chatter and controversy drawn by her famous family, Jenner has managed to chart her own path in the fashion world.
Read more in the pages of VOGUE China's July issue and on VOGUE's WeChat.
摄影 Photographed by Inez & Vinoodh @inezandvinoodh
创意总监 Art Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型指导 Fashion Direction by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型 Styled by George Cortina @georgecortina
发型 Hair by Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto
化妆 Make-up by Sam Visser @samvissermakeup
美甲 Nails by Betina R. Goldstein @betina_goldstein
模特 Model Kendall Jenner @kendalljenner
制作 Produced by Brachfeld @brachfeld_ , VLM Production @vlm.productions
“香自旧日来”——本期VOGUEbeauty Paper当中我们将带领大家探索香气氤氲的旧日时光。法国哲学家让·鲍德里亚说:“当真实已经不复时,怀旧才能显现出它的全部意义。”我们对不复存在之美的执着,佐证了怀旧之情并不是水中捞月,而自有其存在的意义。几百年来,怀旧的概念逐渐从空间走向了时间。一去不复返的往昔,我们如何回溯,又为何回溯?气味不仅是打开回忆之门的钥匙,也是将个人怀旧转化为集体共享怀旧的魔法,在那些追溯不复存在之美的气味中,贮藏着珍贵的记忆,凝结着时代的灵魂。
欢迎前往VOGUEbeauty Paper六月刊及VOGUE官方微信公众号感受更多怀旧时光的芬芳。
In the pages of this season's VOGUE China Beauty Paper, we examine sensory nostalgia - sensory triggers for vivid, adopted, or even distorted memories that shape our world view. Is it living in the past? Or is it informing the future?
Read more in the pages of VOGUE China's June Beauty Paper and on VOGUE China's WeChat Mini Program.
摄影 Photographed by Jess Ruby James @jessrubyjames
创意总监 Art Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型 Styled by Jessica Dos Remedios @jdos___
化妆 Make-up by Victoria Baron @victoriabaron
发型 Hair by Rory Rice @_roryrice_
模特 Model YIXIN @yixinzzhao
编辑 Edited by 张骞文 Valerie Zhang
制片 Producer Ben Hams
执行制片 On-set Producer Sam De Falco
从业多年的Hailey Bieber (@haileybieber) 与业界很多顶尖的化妆师、保养师、皮肤科医师都有过合作,经验的不断累积让她更加坚信,帮助大家拥有足够滋润有光泽的肌肤,养成保持肌肤健康的好习惯,这点尤为重要。“我始终坚持回归基础、回归本质的想法”,采访中她如是说。同样地,这也使她更加认定自己的护肤哲学 — “从根本上拥有健康的肌肤”。谈到Rhode Skin的未来发展,她希望能够将其打造成为一个美容平台,让更多人在这里一起分享护肤保养、美妆以及相关的健康生活内容。正如她说所言,“所有这一切,都来自真实生活中的我。”无论是做品牌、护肤程序、美妆哲学、穿衣风格都是如此。在不久的将来,Hailey Bieber又会给我们带来什么样的惊喜,大家不妨拭目以待。
前往《服饰与美容VOGUE》六月刊及VOGUE China官方微信小程序,了解更多关于Hailey Bieber的护肤与美妆哲学。
Throughout her career, our VOGUE Beauty Paper cover star, Hailey Bieber (@HaileyBieber) has worked with some of the best makeup artists and skin experts in the game. For the budding beauty entrepreneur, the greatest lesson she has learnt along the way is that all roads lead back to healthy habits. "I like the idea of always going back to the basics back to the essentials," the model-mogul tells VOGUE China from set of her cover shoot in London. Bieber has always believed that the prerequisite for a good make-up look is clean and healthy skin. This (Bieber makes very clear) is not just about the product regimen you put yourself through. Rather, it's about the big picture - the decisions we make every day in what we consume, the values we live by, how we react to stressors and the people we surround ourselves with.
Read up more about Hailey Bieber's life philosophy and approach to beauty in business and in life in VOGUE China's June Beauty Paper and on VOGUE China's WeChat Mini Program.
摄影Photographed by Vito Fernicola @vitofernicola
创意总监 Art Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型指导 Fashion Direction Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型 Styled by Vanessa Reid @vanessareidofficial
编辑 Edited by 张骞文 Valerie Zhang
化妆 Make-up by Lucy Bridge @lucyjbridge
发型 Hair by Kiyoko Odo @kiyokoodo
美甲 Nails by Robbie Tomkins @robbietomkins
制作 Produced by 360pm @360_pm
本期的VOGUEbeauty Paper封面人物是一位有着多重身份的美国女孩——Hailey Bieber (@haileybieber),她是一名响彻国际的模特,同样也是当下炙手可热的社交媒体宠儿。和大多数女孩子一样,自小备受父母关爱的她,在看重健康美丽的母亲的熏陶下,从小就知道自然与洁净生活的重要性,这也直接推动了她个人事业的新发展——成为护肤品牌Rhode Skin创始人。自此,在时尚界崛起近十年的Bieber,开启了自己作为美容企业家的新篇章。近年来,有诸多由模特和名人创立的美容品牌诞生,但难能可贵的是,Bieber一直都保持着“自然真我”的初心,“我一直记得我刚刚入行的时候,爸爸跟我说过,‘做自己,做Hailey。吸引别人跟你合作,是因为你,你这个人’,这句话经常会提醒我。”
前往《服饰与美容VOGUE》六月刊及VOGUE China官方微信小程序,了解更多关于Hailey Bieber的护肤与美妆哲学。
This season's cover star of VOGUE China's Beauty Paper is none other than everyone's favourite sun-kissed "glazed-donut" skin connoisseur, Hailey Bieber (@haileybieber). Almost a decade into her rise in the fashion industry, Bieber is about to embark on a new chapter as a beauty entrepreneur - set to break the internet this week. Certainly, there is no shortage of model- and celebrity-founded beauty brands, leveraging social clout and name recognition as the ultimate money move. But for Bieber, her upcoming Rhode Skin launch is more about coming back down to earth and stripping it back to her truest self. "I always remember when I was starting out, my dad told me, 'Be yourself, be Hailey. It's you, who you are, that attracts people to work with you.’ those words are always in my head. “
Read up on Hailey Bieber's beauty and wellness philosophy in this season's Beauty Paper and VOGUE China's WeChat Mini Program.
摄影 Photographed by Vito Fernicola @vitofernicola
创意总监 Art Direction by Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型指导 Fashion Direction by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
造型 Styled by Vanessa Reid @vanessareidofficial
编辑 Edited by 张骞文 Valerie Zhang
化妆 Make-up by Lucy Bridge @lucyjbridge
发型 Hair by Kiyoko Odo @kiyokoodo
美甲 Nails by Robbie Tomkins @robbietomkins
制作 Produced by 360pm @360_pm