【APRIL ISSUE 4月刊】For VOGUE China's April Issue, China’s Pop Princess, Chris Lee (@urnotchrislee), collaborated with renowned contemporary dance group TAO (@taodancetheater) on choreographing a haunting performance art piece. As a singer-songwriter, a lover of contemporary art and, of course, a VOGUE+ (@vogueplus) guest editor, Ms Lee is no stranger to the fruits of team work or the power of a good dance break. Yet, this co-creation was unlike anything the three artists have ever done before in their independent work. Captured by photographer-director Jumbo Tsui (@jumbotsui), the piece is a perfect representation of this month's @voguechina theme, "Better Together". As she prepares to embark on her nationwide tour, Lee is keeping an open mind: "I was really looking forward to handing over myself over to this process, this kind of creative exchange," Lee said in conversation with Duan Ni and Tao Ye, citing this performance piece as an extension of her natural, expressive body language.
Watch the full performance art piece at VOGUE's WeChat and read more on Chris Lee and TAO's outlook on collective creation in the pages of VOGUE China's April Issue.
本期VOGUE四⽉刊封面中,中国流⾏歌⼿、名副其实的舞台王者李宇春与享誉世界的现代舞团陶身体剧场合作拍摄了⼀部动⼈的艺术作品。作为⼀名流⾏音乐人、当代艺术爱好者以及 VOGUE+的客座嘉宾,李宇春无论是对舞蹈内在力量的演绎、还是团队合作的⼒量都不陌生。此次艺术合作的过程别具一格,相比过往独⽴工作中的⼀些习惯,李宇春和陶身体剧场创始人段妮和陶冶在这次合作中都有了一些⾮比寻常的意外收获。这个过程被本期的摄影师兼导演隋建博拍摄捕捉,其作品完美诠释了本⽉的主题“Better Together”。
人物 Talent 李宇春 @urnotchrislee in collaboration with 陶冶、段妮 @taodancetheater
摄影 Photographed and Directed by 隋建博 Jumbo Tsui @jumbotsui
创意总监 Artistic Director Matt McDonald @mattrmcdonald
造型 Styled by Audrey Hu @audreyhuaudrey
化妆 Make-up by Qiqi Liu @qiqiliu776 (李宇春)、王茜 @wangqian_makeup (陶冶、段妮)
发型 Hair by 雪孟 @xuemeng_0214 (李宇春) 、王茜 @wangqian_makeup (陶冶、段妮)
助理创意编辑 Assistant Art Designer Vicki Liang @vickii_ll
制作 Produced by 郭月女 Summer Guo @summerloti