"I find filming on film an extremely exciting and positive experience. What has been seen for years as some sort of a stubborn, nostalgic love for film amongst filmmakers is proving to be a very viable quest to deliver incredible cinematic experiences.
When you shoot on 65mm 5-perf film, and watch it in a cinema, you witness something that you will see nowhere else. There's a quality and a depth to the image that is just unprecedented, and therefore so much more special. The moment you go to an even bigger format, like IMAX 15-perf film, the image depth and color depth are even more astounding to behold."
Cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema FSF, NSC, ASC on shooting film for @jordanpeele's NOPE. The film was shot with large format IMAX ( 15 perf ) and 65mm (5-perf). Read more about how Jordan Peele and Hoyte van Hoytema worked together to establish the look for @nopemovie and how film assisted in getting them there at kodak.com/go/filmmakerstories
Director: @jordanpeele
DP: @hoyteisbae