With my gratitude to Tod's for inviting me to be a mentor at the Tod's Academy to students at the Instituto Marangoni. They were asked to interpret the codes of Tod's with a special focus on sustainability. Their designs were marvelous and inspired #futureoffashion#tods#todsregeneration # Tods #todsacademy#institutomarangoni photo #peterlindberg
A beautiful, huge pale grey hawk, in a distinct patch of sunlight, was in the tree right outside my bedroom window this morning, looking at me. I think he came to escort mummy. ❤️
My mother, Marian Powers Goodman, was remarkable and unique. She had a simple upbringing, born in Ohio. Then she came to New York and had a brilliant career in textile design. She married my father, a surgeon, Edmund Goodman, and had 4 children in 6 years. She took us with her everywhere she loved; the theater, the ballet, all the museums, the philarmonic…we were privileged to be New Yorkers and all its cultural offerings with her.
We had everything with her. She died peacefully yesterday morning. Whoever I am, I am because of her.❤️
This the launch of the Essential Edit! The classics all sustainably produced by Ports1961. I thank Ports, Karl Templer and Michela Piva for inviting me to collaborate with them on this collection, and I thank Ethan James Green, Dara Allen, Nikki McGuire, Lucas Wilson, Kuma Lee, Leah Huntsinger, Billie Rose Owen, and Ethan’s wonderful team @ports1961@voguemagazine@karl templer @ethanjamesgreen@dara._@nikki.mcguire@lucas.a.wilson kumalee @leah.huntsinger@billieroseowen