Lewis. PinkPp.
In his short Instagram bio, Lewis writes “Equal rights for all. Love is all”. Few words that say a lot. Lewis is an interpreter; he is able to use his energy to express his authentic and precious self. The talent he spreads with his whole persona goes far beyond his sportive excellence and embraces everything that he does. Lewis believes in what he does and shows it with effortless intensity. I have seen him committing himself to social causes with great independency, I have seen him wearing a pink total look and making it personal, I have seen him smile and chat with people in a very laid-back way. By doing anything that pleases him, he pleases us. As a DI.VAs testimonial, he stands for diversity, equality and most of all, love. I couldn’t think of a better friend for this campaign. It will give an empathetic, human, inspiring message and it will be true, like the person behind the celebrity.
Dua. Levitating.
Yesterday nigtht Dua gifted all of us with an overdose of life and it was so beautiful to share all of that in such good company. Thanks to Dua and her talent, we danced, we sang and experienced a great moment of togetherness. And Donatella gave me the superfashion portable fan which ended up to be the it object of the night.
Zendaya. Time 100.
I think Zendaya is something more of what we all know of her: a tremendous artist, an unflagging worker, a sensitive human being. Whether she knows it or not, she represents a beautiful vision of our future and I can’t think of anyone else but her to be in the time 100 cover of this year, it’s not just well deserved, it was earned. Congratulations for this Z, I am proud and thankful.
Mr. Valentino. HBD❤️
“I love beauty. It’s not my fault.”
Mr Valentino has a thing for beauty, we might say that it has always been his personal little obsession. A kind of innocent need of beauty. He could do anything for the love of perfection and harmony and he has never compromised on that, it’s his way to be radical which is also one of thing that I love the most about him . And if I think of the best way possible to celebrate his birthday it would be by reminding myself and to everyone that seeking beauty and dreaming beauty, is a choice that we make every single day, thanks to him and to his little innocent obsession.
Grazie Mr.Valentino for letting me continue your dream of beauty everyday.
Buon compleanno! Love, pp
Blanco. London ‘After Club’.
I chose Blanco for this new campaign because whatever he does, he does it well, with no apparent effort.
He has an out-of-the-ordinary personality and above all an out-of-the-ordinary talent. We spent two days together in London and while I was observing the way he was interacting with the environment around him, I thought about how strange the blessing of talent is. Talent is not something that you can really teach, it’s something that occupies your whole existence, something that doesn’t really care about time or space or social rules…it’s a pretty anarchic characteristic.
Blanco is a talent, his charisma is a kind of intrusive energy that catalyzes the attention of anyone, whether in his underwear or (more rarely) dressed up.
Glenn. The Pink Met Date.
I met Glenn through Joan, Alex, Maggie, Mawmaw, Sarah, Albert. I met her through all of the characters she gave life to then, I took Glenn, just Glenn, to the MET. We danced for Bardia, she posed for me, we made the fittings and all the rituals of the ball. The taxi driver also played his part by saying “I know who you are”. I witnessed the presence of an icon but she was kind enough to make everything easy and graceful. In the end, maybe, she was the one to take me, to take all of us, to the ball. Thank you Glenn , that was magic.
Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Eugenio e Gianmaria. Padiglione Italia.
La Biennale di Venezia.
“Darei l’intera Montedison per una lucciola’
Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1975
‘Storia della notte e destino delle comete’ e’ un lavoro potente e poetico ed e’ la storia di una notte da passare e di un giorno nuovo che forse dara’ nuove risposte agli interrogativi della notte.
E’ la storia dell’ascesa e del declino del grande sogno industriale italiano. E’ la storia di noi tutti e la storia dell’Italia che conosciamo, e’ la storia della nostra memoria e la riflessione sulla possibilita’ di un futuro, della fragilita’ dell’uomo e della potenza ostinata della natura. E’ il dovere di riflettere sui nostri errori e tornare nel punto dove i sogni si sono ammalati , e’ speranza nell’ umanita’, e’ catarsi e riconciliazione.
E’ la notte della nostra storia e l’alba di sogni nuovi.
Sono fiero di avere abbracciato, sostenuto e amato il lavoro visonario di Gianmaria Tosatti e il coraggio curatoriale di Eugenio Viola.
Benedetta. HBD
‘Come farti capire che c'è sempre tempo?
Che uno deve solo cercarlo e darselo,
Che non è proibito amare,
Che le ferite si rimarginano,
Che le porte non devono chiudersi,
Che la maggiore porta è l'affetto,
Che gli affetti ci definiscono,
Che cercare un equilibrio non implica essere tiepido,
Che trovarsi è molto bello,
Che non c'è nulla di meglio che ringraziare,
Che nessuno vuole essere solo,
Che per non essere solo devi dare,
Che aiutare è potere incoraggiare ed appoggiare,
Che adulare non è aiutare,
Che quando non c'è piacere nelle cose non si sta vivendo,
Che si sente col corpo e la mente,
Che si ascolta con le orecchie,
Che costa essere sensibile e non ferirsi,
Che ferirsi non è dissanguarsi,
Che chi semina muri non raccoglie niente,
Che sarebbe meglio costruire ponti,
Che su di essi si va all'altro lato e si torna anche,
Che ritornare non implica retrocedere,
Che retrocedere può essere anche avanzare,
Come farti sapere che nessuno stabilisce norme salvo la vita?
Come farti sapere che c'è sempre tempo?’ Mario Benedetti
Il tempo di tornare a Nettuno da Amalfi, nel caldo di una Uno ad agosto, con una busta di limoni e un regalo appena ricevuto rimarra’ per sempre con noi.
Il tempo di sapere che noi stavamo diventando altro, e la nostra vita stava cambiando e con te ci saremmo stati sempre. Buon compleanno Benni.
Antonietta and I.
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”
The news is already out but we, representing all of our colleagues and teams, wanted to share how glad and proud we all are to be in Roma for the next Couture show.
This is where we all belong, and this is where everything starts .