Ever since I visited for the first time
Riyadh's Souk Al Zal I wanted to do a shoot there. Actually, this Souk inspired me so much that I based our 3rd year anniversary cover concept and color scheme - “Pop Arabia” - on an old door I found in this lovely market. For this Saudi Issue, we shot very cool modest looks, with a even cooler team. Thank you everyone that was part of this story.
Photography: @hayatosamah Style: @mohammadhazemrezq Makeup: @its.daad Hair: @dareenaboushakra Local producer: @mustafaalamasi Models: @adniltq, @mvlvvk_mm#voguearabia#saudiissue
Thank you team @cartier for these magical days in Madrid, for the reveal of #CartierBeautésduMonde the new High Jewelry collection inspired by different cultures and the animal kingdom. What a privilege to witness all of this in the magical 18 centuary Palacio de Liria! ❤️🇪🇸 #cartier#voguearabia#madrid
Great story by our @nadineelchaer celebrating the brave female journalists risking their lives in battle fields. #voguearabia
Repost @voguearabia
Shot dead in Jenin camp, Palestinian correspondent #ShireenAbuAkleh sparked many conversations worldwide, including the safety of Arab female reporters in war-torn regions. In #VogueArabia's latest issue, we speak with women risking their lives for their career, to find out what motivates them while they can become targets in themselves. “On every trip, I am in danger of being killed," says Lebanese journalist Rola AlKhatib, who has been in the field for 20 years, and has also faced members of the ISIS after being arrested. "After most of my trips, I go to psychiatrists to help me overcome what I am going through, and the sights that left a scar on me.” Journalist Christiane Baissary also shares her account of reporting a war for the very first time, when she spent more than a month in Ukraine during the height of its conflict. Pick up your copy of our #June2022 issue, or head to Ar.Vogue.me to read the reporters' stories of bravery and hardship.
أثار مقتل المراسلة الفلسطينية #شيرين_أبو_عاقلة بالرصاص في مخيم جنين الجدل في جميع أنحاء العالم كما أثار القلق حيال سلامة الصحفيات العربيات في المناطق التي مزقتها الحروب. وفي أحدث أعداد #ڤوغ_العربية، نلتقي عددًا من هؤلاء الصحفيات اللواتي يخاطرن بحياتهن من أجل أداء واجبهن لمعرفة ما الذي يحثهن على الاستمرار فيه رغم أنهن قد يصبحن أهدافًا في المعارك. تقول الصحفية اللبنانية رولا الخطيب التي تعمل في الميدان منذ 20 عامًا وسبق لها مواجهة أعضاء من جماعة داعش بعد اعتقالهم: "في كل رحلة أكون معرضة للخطر حاملة دمي على كفي. بعد معظم الرحلات أقوم بزيارة إخصائيين نفسيين لمساعدتي على تخطي ما أمر به من خطر أولاً وما أراه من حالات إنسانية صعبة تخلّف فيّ جرحاً". كما تتحدث الصحفية كريستيان بيسري عن عملها في ميدان المعركة لأول مرة حين أمضت أكثر من شهر في أوكرانيا خلال ذروة حربها. وللاطلاع على قصص المراسلات العربيات التي تفيض بالشجاعة ولا تخلو من مصاعب، سارعي باقتناء نسختكِ من عدد #يونيو_2022 أو تفضلي بزيارة القسم العربي من موقعنا الإلكتروني.
Interview: @nadineelchaer
The new Vogue Living Arabia is here, just in time of Salone del Mobile! I was first introduced to Aline Asmar d’Amman via Lebanese interior designer Chahan Minassian, who had been invited by d’Amman to participate in the refurbishment of the Hôtel de Crillon. Bringing back to life one of the most iconic hospitality projects in the world — in a no less than iconic Parisian landmark building — is by no means an easy task. So, I was excited to learn that an Arab woman was at the helm of such an important undertaking. I soon learned of her numerous accomplishments, including a furniture line designed in collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld, and the renovation of the Michelin-star Le Jules Verne restaurant, within the Eiffel Tower. When I finally met Aline in person, I fell in love with her charisma. Besides being incredibly talented and hardworking, she is the type of uncomplicated person that puts you at ease straight away, with a hearty laugh and a welcoming spirit that is truly Lebanese. However, it is not because of her affability that the founder of the studio Culture in Architecture is on this particular cover of Vogue Living Arabia, standing on the balcony of Venice’s Ca’ d’Oro. A supporting member of Venetian Heritage, d’Amman is now responsible for the design of one of the first Orient Express hotels, taking over the 15th-century Palazzo Donà Giovannelli. This sounded like the perfect occasion to spend a day in La Serenissima with the architect, who also designed the scenography of this year’s Lebanon pavilion for the ongoing Venice Art Biennale. Thanks to Aline and all the team that made this project happen! #voguelivingarabia
Editor-in-chief: @mrarnaut Fashion director: @aminejreissaty Photography: @jeremyzaessinger Hair: @davidlucasparis Makeup: @lauraoboe_mua Creative producer: @allisonsam Locations: @orientexpress@paulbarlett@venetianheritage@galleriagiorgiofranchetti@toto_bergamo_rossi Special thanks to @stregisvenice Interview: @catminthe
Because my weight is always so up and down, I always wear black to feel safe. But this summer, my mood is: screw that 😂🤷🏻♂️ Life is too short to worry about that, bring in the rainbow. What is your favorite color? #summer2022
What an amazing evening in Abu Dhabi! I’m so honored that we are working in this fantastic project with @retailabudhabi developing masterclasses with international fashion professionals, supporting local retailers, and developing content with our regional creatives! This night was also fantastic as I could finally spend some time with @ritaora and we even had the chance to celebrate the anniversary of Vogue’s @beats.love.lipstick! And the music!! Wow @laylakardan
Also thank you to our partners @stregisabudhabi@etihad@brag.world More to come soon! ❤️