At the scene of the fire with councilmember @chrismartenyc and @janccrc multiple agencies have been in the building all morning. A disabled mother and her son perished in the fire. The apt has extreme clutter, which hampered access. The stuff was pushed through the windows onto the sidewalk by the firemen. D.o.s. cleaned up quickly. 12pm agencies will meet and assess damage. The engineers for d.o.b. and the owner's structural engineer is on sight. 5th floor staircase is completely damaged. There is a hole in the roof of the building. Utilities are turned off. Red cross is assisting in helping ppl. Find accommodations.
CCBA President Raymond Tsang , district leader Victoria Lee also on site. Most tenants are English speaking. Contact for upcoming info on fundraising for the families.
Location: 78-80 Mulberry Street
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