I’ve spent many weekends here during my younger years in my teens and twenties at med school. For those of you that are younger , embrace hard work , love the labour , and the people you’ll meet.. it’ll be part of your fabric as you go through your life journey .
What your seeing is one step of a multi step process when you dry clean your shirt.
The shirts sorted, stains soaked, washed, dried, pressed, packed - for £1.80
The work that goes into the labour intensive jobs Is overlooked & under appreciated on a daily basis..
Instagram is a place for showing off the high life (that drives mental health issues in so many)
I’m taking a moment this Easter/ Ramadan to appreciate the tough labour jobs and people
As a dr if I could I would prescribe a labour job “low skilled low paid” for a period of time. I think it’s so formative and humbling & GROUNDING
To appreciate what we have - we know gratitude is central to good mental health.. & practice calming the desire to have more and feel envy or resentment or anger for what we don’t have.
Attachment to possessions drives depression, anxiety and many mental health issues & unhealthy relationships
Being grateful for what we have , whilst desiring to drive impact and value - enjoying what you reap sensibly and taxing your wealth by giving charity all helps to loosen one’s attachment to £$/possessions.
Giving space and time to reflect , we can always learn and evolve if we look in the right places and take a moment to muse