just thinking out loud and stuff.
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I think pretty often of all my unled lives. When I say often, what I mean is, constantly. They say don’t let the past steal your present, but what about the future? I’m absolutely overwhelmed by life’s possibilities; how one decision has the power to drive life into a tailspin you could never have imagined, good or bad, anything really is possible.
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Life is one hell of a ride, and for me, sometimes I think more about all the roads I haven’t turned down, instead of all the roads I have..
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anyway, here’s some photos of my favorite place in the world, @apartmentmiso. I’m gonna start selling daily small batch items out of it soon because life is too wild to go without small batch snacks, don’t you think?
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Also, I was thinking of having @loveandsupply film a tour of our studio, let us know if you’d like to see/learn more about our space?! #apartmentmiso#studio#endofsummer#culinarystudio