Here's the full quote from Gary Yourofsky -
"The problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree that they are not even considered victims. They are not even considered at all. They are nothing. They don't count; they don't matter; they're commodities like TV sets and cell phones. We have actually turned animals into inanimate objects - sandwiches and shoes."
This is such a powerful perspective from Gary, and he's right. We've turned animals into sandwiches and shoes without even thinking that it was an animal... We can do better, we all can do better. We have to continue to encourage, inspire, educate others to start making changes too. Different people are going to need different information, different messaging to start their own journey. For some it may be based around their health, or the environment. I don't care what it is that sparks their journey, I just care that they get started because it all helps the animals, the environment, and our health.