5 ways to better sleep
Are you one of these people who thinks you can get by with less than 7 hours of sleep per night?
Here’s the thing, there’s over 50 years of sleep science showing us that less than 7-8 hours of sleep a night wrecks your mood, health, brain, and relationships.
Here’s five ways to get more sleep:
1. Start with 45 more minutes:
Take the pressure off and just start with 45 more minutes of sleep starting tonight. To make this super simple, go to bed 45 minutes earlier than you usually do. It might not seem like much, but this little bit of extra sleep will help start a new habit.
2. Rest more during the day:
Find moments of rest throughout your day and you’ll sleep better at night. Try going for a walk for 20 minutes, focusing on your breath with each step.
3. Stop over caffeinating yourself:
A lot of people can't sleep because they're drinking too much caffeine. My rule is no caffeine after midday, I allow myself one coffee a day and its before 10am.
4. Wind down:
Before sleep, dim the lights in your room and turn off all the screens. No browsing or social media in that last hour before bed. Do some light reading or plan your day by journaling. I spend the last hour playing with my dogs, reading, light stretches and yoga Nidra.
5. Practice gratitude:
When you get into bed, calm your mind and emotions by focusing on taking 10 deep breaths, then ask yourself, "What am I grateful for today?" A happy heart rests well.
You deserve to get more sleep but you must make it a conscious practice. With more sleep, you have greater love for your day, decreased stress, and higher levels of engagement and enthusiasm throughout your day.
Can you see how simple it is when you make sleep a priority??!!