In a contemporary retelling of the medieval morality tale Les Visions Du Chevalier Tondal directors Louis-Jack @louisjack___ and Jăk Skŏt @jak.skot have enlisted the talents of movement artist Magnus Westwell, CGI artist Enes Güç, designer AGF Hydra and producer and sound artist IVVVO to relocate a Boschian vision of purgatory to a contemporary club basement.
Head to @factmag | for full feature
Beyond grateful to have been afforded this time to begin playing and exploring with a wonderful, vastly talented and supportive group of people. Thank you to all involved!💗❤️🔥💥👽
Directors: @louisjack___ & @jak.skot
Digital Artist: @enesguc
Director of Photography: @mjsmithdop
Choreographer: @magnuswestwell
Music: @ivvvop
Editor: @jwstubbs
Additional Editing: Louis-Jack & Jăk Skŏk
Costume Designer & Stylist: @agf_hydra
Colourist: @gareth_dirty_grades
Tondal: @oscarjinghuli
Dancer: @kibreacarmichael
Dancer: @maxcookward
1st AC / Focus Puller: @peterswinford_ac
3D Scanning Technician: @patrick_thorn_co
Lighting Assistant: Felix McCabe
Club Lighting Technician: Steven Spencer-Letts
Production Assistant: Tom Watson
Project Curator: @chardonnie
Lighting Equipment Hire: @shootblue
Offline Edit: @finalcutedit
Grade: @dirtylooks_grades
CGI Render: @foxrenderfarm
Titles: Jăk Skŏt
Filmed at: @corsica.studios
Funded by: @aceagrams
Special thanks: Walter Donohue, Mark Allen, Mike Brooks, Gery Georgieva, Justine Melford-Colegate, Nikki Porter
Thank you also to @henrybrucejones from factmag for the very generous and eloquent write-up 👌🔥
Truly grateful, thankful and blessed to be apart of such a mind blowing tour alongside iconic and loving beings. I have nothing but gratitude for @theo.adams@jordanhuntmusic@meshhenry@hello_masumisaito you are forever in my heart. Thank you for allowing me to be the highest me. I have an abundance of love for everyone on this tour.
I cannot believe I get to share this beautiful experience with my best friend and soulmate @artemisstamouli 🥰