“Dear Adwoa,
I’m writing to you on the eve of your 30th Birthday.”
Agency, stillness and community. Incredible. Thank you so much to the wonderful founder of Gurls Talk, @adwoaaboah, for sharing your letter to pre-pandemic self with us all. You can find Adwoa’s letter here or on the Grazia website, through the link in our bio.
What a beautiful way to finish Mental Health Awareness Month. But, even as we exit the month of May, we at Gurls Talk are always prioritising, working towards and championing mental health and our community. Always feel free to send in your letters to your pre-pandemic selves and your first person stories to our email at [email protected]
All our love to you Adwoa - always 🖤
Yesterday marked the end of a decade and the start of a new one. In all honesty, I’m at loss for words in describing how that all feels, so I’ll keep it short and simple…
Thank you to my family, friends, loved ones, and biggest supporters. I couldn’t have done it without you. I’m here because of you.
Here’s to you (you know who you are) and all the years to come.
I feel so incredibly lucky to be entering this new chapter, knowing myself better than I’ve ever done before.
Very excited to be the new Global Ambassador for @jomalonelondon a brand who has been doing the work to support mental health for a decade. Thank you for this opportunity and the space to be creatively involved….very proud of this one. #jomalonelondonambassador#shiningalight
Calvin Klein.
Fit Sk8ers.
All the things I love.
All the people I love.
Thank you Gareth and Lev, you stunning humans. Hands down one of the best projects I’ve ever been part of.