Here’s the thing. I really want media and all of us to stop saying “Women really need to vote.” WE KNOW WE DO.
Do you know who we need to vote? We need MEN to stand up and vote in OUR best interests. IDGAF If you don’t love Biden or Kamala or insert any democrat. If you claim to love us and respect us and “protect” us and want to f us. Then VOTE for us. White cis men - nothing really really affects you guys, so we don’t want to hear about gas prices for the reason for your vote. We NEED you to vote for us. For our lives. Because that’s what’s going to be on the ballot at these midterms. And all you economy voters - we ARE the economy!!!! See what happens when women and people who can reproduce are taken out of the workforce.
All those voters who hated Trump but couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary - get yourselves straight - you owe us.
The Dems need the Senate and to maintain control in the house. Women and all people who can reproduce need the right to control our own bodies. Voting for us is the very least you can do. Fight with US. Fight for US.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
This was done by moms. By dads. By students. By every citizen that stood up and voted for a gun safety candidate. This is our activism at work. When every day in this system feels pretty damn dark, here is a little bit of light. Rest In power to all those who have died from gun violence
Please VOTE. It matters.
Dad of a teen. They don’t come more selfless than @matthew_welch and that fact that he can build anything, fix anything, with great taste in just about everything is a nice bonus. We love you.