WE DEMAND: #CriminalJusticeReform in #Maryland
Part 4-B of the Walk Through of our Resolution to End Poverty
We're asking individuals, organizations, and elected officials/candidates to add their names, calling on the General Assembly to end policies that drive #MassIncarceration and unfairly target #LowIncome & #Black and Brown people.
VOTER INFORMATION: http://bit.ly/mdppcvote
Image text:
"WE DEMAND: Criminal Justice Reform" below which are bullet points: “End mass incarceration, biased sentencing, and police violence, Discontinue arrests and prosecutions for low-level drug offenses and expunge records of these offenses, and Focus on substantially reducing first-time incarceration and recidivism rates, via options like drug treatment programs.” At the bottom is “Part #4 — Justice Reform”and “WALKING THROUGH The Resolution to End Poverty in Maryland."
"OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM: Disproportionately incarcerates Black Marylanders" below which, it says, “African Americans are about 30% of our state’s population but constituted around 70% of the inmate population in 2019, which is the highest incarceration rate of Black people in the country.”
"OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM: Disproportionately incarcerates people from low-income and/or minority communities" below which, it says, “Black people are two times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white people in Maryland.” and "Low-wealth community residents are more likely to have a prison record damage their employment prospects."
"OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM: Lacks programs that re-integrate formerly incarcerated people back into the community" below which are bullet points: “40–50% of new offenders return to prison within 3 years, a much higher rate than other states like Virginia.” and “Maryland has no women’s pre-release facilities that assist with employment, housing, drug treatment, and mental health services after incarceration.”