Congratulations to Camden students on their A-level results this week! 👏 👏 👏
This year, for the first time since the pandemic began, students were able to sit exams in person, rather than having grades assessed by their teachers.
📕 Parliament Hill School and LaSWAP students Jackson (left) and Amber (right) with Headteacher Sarah Creasey. Jackson got A*AAB and will be completing a one-year internship at an animation company before studying film and drama at Exeter University. Amber achieved A*AA and will be studying product design engineering at Loughborough University.
📚 While the Class of 2022 have all suffered severe disruption to their education, few have faced the challenges that Ajmal, 19, of @acland_burghley and LaSWAP Sixth Form, has overcome. Ajmal arrived in the UK from Afghanistan just over two years ago with limited English and after losing a friend in an explosion at his education centre in Kabul. He says: “Thanks to studying here, I now have a place at the University of Essex to read biomedical science with a full scholarship.”
📘 La Sainte Union and LaSWAP students celebrate their results, including Kezia (second from left), who achieved ABB and will be going to Queen Mary University of London to read international relations.
We couldn’t be prouder of everyone! ❤️