Rejection issues will have you leaving relationships before they can leave you.
It’ll have you hearing “no” when the person simply said “not now”
It’s a huge barrier to a healthy dating and marriage life because your focus is more on avoiding HURT than embracing LOVE.
A brain that’s experienced trauma tends to see danger where there isn’t any. It’s always on “GO” because you haven’t learn the skills to help your brain feel safe again.
This is what healing is and does. It helps your process trauma and develop the tools to move your brain out of survival.
If you’re ready to do this work, then register for my upcoming workshop, How Trauma is K!lling Your Love Life.
I’ll teach you about my Trauma Languages and how to fight against them.
It’s not free, so you know it will change your life! Just DM me “Workshop” for the link to register!
More posts from Vernique, LMSW | THERAPIST + COACH @verniqueesther