Sorry, not sorry. The framers of the constitution had enough wisdom and foresight to write the amendments in a way that will ensure that our rights will not be dependent on the norms or technologies of the times, and that the rights themselves were translatable in any epoch or era.
This couldn’t be more true than for the first and second amendments, especially in a time when those two rights are viciously being attacked by the #neoliberal establishment political class, the oligopolistic big tech companies, their sheep masses, and the oligarchy which controls them all.
It’s long overdue we start treating big tech companies such as #meta (#facebook), #twitter, etc, like the public utilities that they have become. Their censorship of unpopular speech is literally destroying the democratic processes they claim to be defending. Their tyranny is destroying democracy.
It’s long overdue we go on the offensive and start rolling back unconstitutional gun control laws which limit the people’s access to firearms; limit their ability to exercise their #secondamendment right.
It’s long overdue for real change.