SUBSCRIBE: this new feature came as a surprise to me so I don’t have any content available for it yet.
I’m a Taurus which means I move slow. But when I get going, I get going 😂.
I set the price at 99 cents, which is the lowest option they gave me. However, I have the ability to raise the price in the future—but those who join at the 99 cent price get “locked in” at that price (from what I gather, this feature is still new).
The best part is that Instagram tells me that they aren’t taking a percentage. In other words, all the money goes to me.
I plan to use this space to do collective readings. These readings will focus on manifestation. They will ask questions like, “how can we manifest better at this time?” And they will provide spiritual guidance and advice. I hope to post these at least three times a week.
Subscribers will also get access to exclusive stories, and I plan to use these to share some of my favorite Tarot books and resources. I also want to post more poetry and scriptural exegesis in this space.
There is also a “group message” feature for subscribers, though I haven’t learned how best to use this yet. Many of these features are new and, again, I’m a Taurus so please be patient (no rush to join either).
Thank you again! Post in the comments if you have any questions and I’ll try my best to answer them!