How many #planets are there in the #universe? Even #Nobel laureates are interested in this seemingly childish question and have been studying it for years. One of them is #Michel#Mayor, who will address the topic with his speech at the "Discover the #Cosmos and Change the World" conference.
Our other #speaker, #Lisa#Kaltenegger, is convinced that there are planets in the universe, similar to the #Earth, with alien civilization.
And if you think that the terrible events are happening only on Earth, our next speaker, David Grinspoon, will disappoint you by talking about what’s common in #climate catastrophes on Earth, #Venus and #Mars.
David Zambuka will summarize the day by asking a question to all present. "Are you #Martians?"
All this and much more can be lived on September 7 this year, within the framework of the #StarmusVI festival.
#StarmusVI#comeandsee#Armenia#Yerevan September 5-10, 2022