I’ve seen that I haven’t posted since November 2021 and I can’t lie posting on here takes like 2 years off my life.
I hate writing and if you can tell I communicate better through memes cause they just get me. 😂
I was on a TV project for 3 months and when I tell you it tested my mental fortitude. Boyyyyy my mental health deteriorated. I get it the industry that I work in is very stressful and everyone knows that but there’s a difference between working under pressure and nearly dying for a job.
I’ve been living with severe anxiety for probably 10 years and it comes in waves. I’m posting this just to big up myself cause when people hear anxiety they think weak and we’re nothing like that. I use the form of humour to push through it.
Shout out to all the London Art department Huns cause dunno what I would do without you guys. 🥰😭
To conclude we all need to take a breather and focus on ourselves and our mental health which is so important. Don’t kill yourself for a job. It’s not worth it trust meeeeeee
Sooo enjoy the likkle pics of Happy Ritz 😘
p.s - I’ll be posting my work stuff soon. Excited for you guys to see it.