At Redken, we believe that the salon can be much more than a place to get your hair done - it can be a haven for LGBTQ+ hairdressers to find a community and purpose, and a safe space for LGBTQ+ clients.
Today, we're proud to announce our partnership with @ItGetsBetter to launch Hairdressers United: Stand Together Against Bullying. The initiative will amplify stylist personal stories to reassure and inspire LGBTQ+ youth who may be experiencing bullying and lack of acceptance, and further educate stylists on serving LGBTQ+ clients.
We invite you to share your story of how it got better when you found hairdressing by tagging #RedkenHairdressersUnited#ItGetsBetter. We’d love to potentially repost it right here on @redken. To learn more about Hairdressers United, visit link in bio now 🖤