What you see… 2 pieces of handmade floral wood art.
What I see… 3 years of working my butt off to teach myself this particular skill set. I see sacrificing a huge part of my social life. Mistakes. Tears. Joy. Self doubt. Imposter syndrome. Hours upon hours in front of the scroll saw where I work through life’s problems in my head one cut at a time. I see evolution of my art along with evolution of myself as a human being.
So much heart goes into this art of mine.
I hope whoever purchases these pieces can feel that when they look at them and know that a very vulnerable piece of myself goes home with each of these pieces🖤
Thank you for being here and supporting me in making my dreams come true. So many of my goals are so close I feel like I can reach out and grab them, and so much of that is because of your support🖤