It's a Friday First! Our first assembly of the year, led by Ms Paillasse, encouraged pupils and staff to reflect on the values they hold dear, both as individuals and as members of our school community. This is St Christopher's - curiosity, creativity and kindness topped the list. These are the things we love about our school. And lunch. Everyone really, really likes the lunches, which is not exactly a value, perhaps, but important nonetheless! #curiosity#creativity#kindness#schoolcommunity#mindfulness#timetoreflect#brainfood#fridayfishcakes#friendship#welcomeback
Leading the charge back to school, Chef Michael and his team, who laid on a fabulous barbecue for staff at the end of our first day of staff INSET. Thank you @holroydhowe Minds and bodies refreshed, we are looking forward to weloming our pupils back on Thursday! #backtoschool#brainfood#gangsbacktogether
An army marches on its stomach they say, and our army of volunteers were very grateful indeed to have Chefs Michael and Christian in the kitchen rustling up pizza! @holroydhowe 🍕🍕🍕❤️❤️❤️
When one word says it all! How very sweet it was to be able to hold our Summer Fair again, laid on by our generous and tireless parent volunteers. Thank you PTFA ❤️We celebrated as a community, welcoming new girls and reconnecting with alumnae, one very special alumna in particular; Christine Lough, our former Head, who returned for the planting of a tree in recognition of her extraordinary contribution to St Christopher’s. #schoolcommunity#plantatree#summerfair#teamwork#happydays#welcome 🌳