#SSAWmagazine Spring Summer 2022
Photography #CamilleSummersValli at Parent
Styling #AnitaSzymczak
All clothing #ROCHAS#CharlesDeVilmorin in conversation with #JorindeCroese
Models #ArielNicholson at Premier Model Management and #LyulIm at Marilyn Agency Paris
Make-up #AuroreGibrien at Bryant Artists
Hair #YannTurchi at Bryant Artists
Set Design #OliviaAine at Artlist
Casting Direction #TroyFearn at Bryant Artists
Photography Assistant Quentin Chamard-Bois and Bertrand Dussart
Styling Assistant Emy Venturini
Hair Assistants Paul Gomez de Miguel and Antonia Ninni
Make-up Assistant Claire Laugeois and Fay Bio Toura
Set Design Assistant Nathan Genestier
Production Matilda Arnell and Alina Kolomiichenko at Parent
Production Assistant Rudy Tun-Sánchez
#SSAWmagazine Spring Summer 2022
Photography #CamilleSummersValli at Parent
Styling #AnitaSzymczak
All clothing #ROCHAS#CharlesDeVilmorin in conversation with #JorindeCroese
Models #ArielNicholson at Premier Model Management and #LyulIm at Marilyn Agency Paris
Make-up #AuroreGibrien at Bryant Artists
Hair #YannTurchi at Bryant Artists
Set Design #OliviaAine at Artlist
Casting Direction #TroyFearn at Bryant Artists
Photography Assistant Quentin Chamard-Bois and Bertrand Dussart
Styling Assistant Emy Venturini
Hair Assistants Paul Gomez de Miguel and Antonia Ninni
Make-up Assistant Claire Laugeois and Fay Bio Toura
Set Design Assistant Nathan Genestier
Production Matilda Arnell and Alina Kolomiichenko at Parent
Production Assistant Rudy Tun-Sánchez
#SSAWmagazine Spring Summer 2022
Photography #CamilleSummersValli at Parent
Styling #AnitaSzymczak
All clothing #ROCHAS#CharlesDeVilmorin in conversation with #JorindeCroese
Models #ArielNicholson at Premier Model Management and #LyulIm at Marilyn Agency Paris
Make-up #AuroreGibrien at Bryant Artists
Hair #YannTurchi at Bryant Artists
Set Design #OliviaAine at Artlist
Casting Direction #TroyFearn at Bryant Artists
Photography Assistant Quentin Chamard-Bois and Bertrand Dussart
Styling Assistant Emy Venturini
Hair Assistants Paul Gomez de Miguel and Antonia Ninni
Make-up Assistant Claire Laugeois and Fay Bio Toura
Set Design Assistant Nathan Genestier
Production Matilda Arnell and Alina Kolomiichenko at Parent
Production Assistant Rudy Tun-Sánchez
#SSAWmagazine Spring Summer 2022
Photography #AdrianSamson at Industry Art
Styling #OndineAzoulay at Intrepid
Picture 1:Hlin wears gold metallic earrings, black velvet jumpsuit and leather high heels by #SAINTLAURENT BY #ANTHONYVACCARELLO
Picture 2: Zara wears pearl earrings by #MM6 and lycra top and pair of tights by #RUI
Picture 3: Hlin wears lace gloves by #LARUICCI, silk and pearls corset by #MIISTA, lace trousers by #NEWRELATION and gold leather boots by #ROCHAS
Models #ZaraColombo at Metropolitan Maker and #HlinBjornsdottir at Elite Paris
Make-up #SatokoWatanabe at Artlist
Hair #YujiOkuda at Artlist
Casting #LisaDymphMegens at Industry Art
Production Jordan Groves and Sophie Walsh at #IndustryArt
Photography Assistants Anaïs Nieto and Aron Tarjani
Styling Assistants Pauline Collet and Alexandra Liesse
Make-up Assistants Craig Hamilton and Tom Easto
#SSAWmagazine Spring Summer 2022
Photography #AdrianSamson at Industry Art
Styling #OndineAzoulay at Intrepid
Picture 1: Hlin wears sparkle dress by #LOEWE, fringed gloves by #VAILLANT, vinyl high heels by #SPORTMAX and red tights from the stylist’s archive
Picture 2: Alex wears velvet dress and white lace tights by #NODRESS, tulle underwear by #FIFICHACHNIL and vinyl high boots by #COURRÈGES
Picture 3: Hlin wears silk gloves and silk and lace dress by #ROKH, lace tights by #GUCCI and vinyl high heels by #LOEWE
Models #ZaraColombo at Metropolitan Maker and #HlinBjornsdottir at Elite Paris
Make-up #SatokoWatanabe at Artlist
Hair #YujiOkuda at Artlist
Casting #LisaDymphMegens at Industry Art
Production Jordan Groves and Sophie Walsh at #IndustryArt
Photography Assistants Anaïs Nieto and Aron Tarjani
Styling Assistants Pauline Collet and Alexandra Liesse
Make-up Assistants Craig Hamilton and Tom Easto