angelic miss twigs wearing dress by me n gorgy bag by @nasirmazhar ( both purchased @fantastictoiles ! ) casually sitting next to madonna @ csm ba grad show absolutely no biggie at all whatsoever :^)
My big red felty hat doing the rounds :) worn by @sonikku.wav on the cover of their recent release and by @ashnikko to promo their platinum release. Thnx ladz xxX
its only gawjy miz @ashnikko wearing mvudslyde dress from my collection @ their Lollapalooza performance in Chile as part of their bloody world tour init !!
much much love 2 mango for making this happen @mangohelll
n luvly film piccies snapped by @zaheersyn
watch me dance and flail around in the new @koreless video directed by @fkatwigs
watch ze full thing + interview with the magician himself here:
such a fun day with such a #swaggy team
#im #a #dancer#now #?!?!?!???? #lel