“Chi ha detto che l’ideologia è anche la mia avventura?
Avventura e ideologia sono incompatibili
La mia avventura sono io.”
Dal pensarsi e dirsi come donna nel femminismo al trovarsi e riconoscersi come singola e finalemte dire io. Oggi sono 40 anni dalla morte di Carla Lonzi e il suo pensiero rimane per me un enorme riferimento e ispirazione continua.
Thank you to @karishmaswali77 and to the women and girls at @chanakya.school for this beautiful gift!!
Goddess Kali by Madhvi Parekh hand embroidered by Chanakya School of Craft
Apart from being a great friend of mine, Lorenzo is also one of the Italian musicians I admire the most. Working with him is a continuous opportunity for exchange and growth, not to mention endless laughter and fun. Good luck on your first concert of the new tour my friend!
“I wish that everyone of us won’t forget that abortion is not a political tool.
Women get pregnant, women give birth, women die during childbirth and women die getting abortions. This choice is therefore solely up to women”
Oriana Fallaci