🗣 Choreographer Liz Lerman (@lizlerman) is asking for your input:
"Think a little bit about the themes of my piece, 'Wicked Bodies'...
✨ the invisible ways and means of feminine thinking & action which have been celebrated, erased, or criminalized;
✨ legal systems that attempt but often fail to bend our actions towards a fairer and more just world;
✨ how a group of intergenerational artists brings our personal lives to the stage within characters that are imagining a future...
If you can channel some of your emotional & intellectual life in this moment…
👉 Write a spell, or make a movement phrase, or take action, or imagine a different way to tell a bit about our time but also our magnificent histories."
Comment your thoughts (& tag @lizlerman!) here, or email them privately to [email protected] 📧
From Liz: "I am sure whatever you send will impact our upcoming rehearsals and performances and might even change the piece itself." ✨
We're presenting Liz Lerman's 'Wicked Bodies' August 10–13, and Liz would love your input before the show!
Buy tickets to Liz Lerman performances at Festival 2022 at @jacobspillow. 🔗
📸 Brennan Spark Photography // #90YearsPillow#JacobsPillow#LizLerman