Dar says happy father’s day
to his favorite אבא
in the whole world
he says thank you for my very pale skin that requires 100 SPF sunscreen,
my moderate amount of hair,
and my insatiable love for beets 🤍
Mother’s Day today vs. last year
sending 🤍 to all the mothers
to the new mothers
the ones we lost
the seasoned pros
those who have yet to become mothers
those who choose not to be
and to those who know it’s just not their time yet
I love you all
The leaked decision to strike down Roe v. wade seems unreal. Here we are in 2022, space travel has become a thing, but somehow we are denying pregnant people the ability to make choices for themselves 💔
I’ve never felt stronger about the legal right to abortion than after experiencing pregnancy. You would think it would have the opposite effect. That I would see this little embryo become a living breathing person (a very cute living breathing person). You would think I would immediately try to protect every unborn embryo. Instead, I experienced the toll it takes on your body: mentally and physically. And I had a relatively easy pregnancy.
Yet, it’s still no walk in a park. You need to feed, grow, and nurture the fetus growing inside of you - and that means it literally takes from you. When you have been dealing with monthly periods for more than half your life, you get used to being in pain and discomfort regularly. (Something most men know nothing about). And that is for a full nine months of your life. Then you have to give birth to the child. I had an unmedicated birth, by choice, and it was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. I have never run a marathon but I have done a triathlon, and that doesn’t even compare to the difficulty of childbirth. Imagine you are on a treadmill and everytime you want to get off and you’ve had enough, the incline goes up and the speed gets faster. Every time you feel like you’ve given your all and it has to be over, the incline goes up and the speed increases. You can barely hold on, and then the incline goes up and the speed goes faster than you thought imaginable. There is no stopping. You can’t get off. And once you finally (finally) get off the treadmill you have to recover from the unfathomable race you were just on.
You bleed like you have never bled before. You would think there is no way you can be alive and bleed so much, but you do. It’s hard to sit down. Yes, just sitting down is incredibly painful. And you do all this recovery while trying to keep a baby alive.
continued in comments…
52 weeks of our Dar Star 💫
the hardest
most rewarding
year of our lives
can’t wait for each and every week to come
♥️ you chamudi, happy birthday