When God was picking out siblings he was paying special attention to the things that we needed from each other. We are total opposites but fit together like a little puzzle and I love you for it crybaby ❤️ lol 🫶🏾 happy birthday @simpleemoka , Aruba owes us nothing … 🙌🏾
@giyeabynina 👖👕🩱 thanks boo, gave us all the vacation vibes ❤️❤️❤️
2022 daytime Emmys ,In custom @grayscaleic ☺️✌🏾
After winning for the past two years consecutively it felt so good to literally go to the show and enjoy just myself, still nominated but stress-free. I was able to see so many of my peers I haven’t seen since pandemic and also the best part of the night I got to cheer on my friend @makeupari_ and the rest of #thereal make up team for winning 🏆, the embarrassing scream that I did in the last video is an accurate representation of how happy I am for your win 🙌🏾
Great times with great people, so blessed!
For every congratulations, call, text, post or comment I appreciate it, thank y’all ❤️❤️❤️
It’s Sage not green lol 😏🫣😂
Happy birthday #Aiden
The big 7! 🥺🥰
, to my little broke best friend lol uncle loves you to the moon and back . You bring all of us so much joy and i’m glad I get to do life with you! God was definitely trying to teach your mother a lesson LOL he gave you my face 🙌🏾🫶🏾☺️ and I’m here for it LOL
happy birthday kid @the_aidenchristopher
(swipe )
memory lane that way👉🏾
The balance issue…
@byrdie x @tiffanyhaddish
this might’ve been one of the most stress-free and peaceful shoots I’ve ever done, such a vibe and the pictures totally exude that.
It’s even more special because I got to work with my best friend @_breaaaaaaaaa on the braids, I literally called her two days before with my vision and she created it with no problem ❤️🫶🏾
Cover look we totally decided to go with her natural curls and just hydrate them with some goodness ✨
with the braids my reference totally came from Michael Jackson’s black-and-white video, look it up you’ll totally understand 🙌🏾
The flip came from the movie Woo, once I saw the outfit I know exactly what era I wanted to keep the hair in 😝✌🏾