Our local Denver Office community in Boulder County has been devastated in the last few days by the Marshall Fire, which has destroyed more than 1,000 homes in the Louisville and Superior areas. More than 30,000 people were evacuated from their homes due to the fire that swept through at an alarming rate, burning football field’s worth in mere seconds as a result of high winds and unseasonably dry conditions.
We wanted to let you, our Instagram community, know that our neighbors are in need of assistance. The Boulder County Wildfire Fund has been set up to support the immediate and long term needs of Coloradans impacted by this fire. While the road ahead for many of the affected families is just the beginning, they know that they are not alone in this. The Community Foundation Boulder County, the fund owner and administrator, is a trusted partner with a lengthy track record of meeting the community’s needs in times a crisis. If you are interested in learning more and supporting this cause, please follow the link in our bio.