From Inglewood to Hollywood ⭐️ with cover star @iambeckyg
“‘ESQUEMAS’ is a fusion of pop, Doo-wop, and disco records; it has r&b and a lot of soul. I explain it as growing up in LA because LA means the world to me, and it has helped shape me to be the person I am creative because of the diversity, colorfulness, and flavor. I grew up representing two flags, and I’m very proud of that. The album is two batches of songs. One part one of the albums, I started almost two years ago, and then there’s another batch of songs that I finished maybe within like the last six months, so it encapsulates the last couple of months and the last two years of my life.”
Photos / @lindseybyrnes
Styling / @styledbyPhil
Makeup / @deelishdeanna
Hair / @alexthaohair
Hair Assistant / @kandiegallegos
Nails / @patty3dnails
Story / @imichaelanthonyhall