I loved comics so much as a kid.
I was often sick as a kid and these little books and big shows kept me sane while I was always in and out of hospital, always "weak" always never chosen for sports teams or even able to go to sports classes most of the time. I was badly bullied at school for being socially odd and different. I never knew what I wanted to do with my life (EVEN IN MY LATE TWENTIES) and I found my path in my thirties with no idea what the fucking fuck I was doing.
I didn't believe I could ever have the life I am getting to live now, and I'm so happy and grateful it's late, because now I don't take any of it for granted and I feel more mentally able to keep up. I probably should have started in stunt work a decade ago, that I do probably regret... because fuck me sideways like a chicken, becoming vaguely active at 35 was HELL at first.
But just... don't ever let anyone tell you it's too late to find your proper path, to change career, to move country, to find another love. The later you do it, sometimes the better!!!! Becahse you take all the wisdom from the past mistakes to make the absolute MOST of the new version of you and your life.
You don't have to know at 15,25 or 35 who you're going to be and where you're going to be for the rest of your life.
You're the boss, and I bet you have so much more up your sleeve than you even allow yourself or others to know. Own it. Let it out. Let it shine.
The premiere meant the world to me. It was so fun. I'm having so much fun. I'm so Fucking grateful for you and for it all. YES I AM EMO AND ON MY PERIOD. 😂