The teen years.
Did anyone make their way through unscathed?
Do you even remember?
I do.
It was harrowing.
I was sure I was larger than life and knew it ALL.
I was out.
On my own.
Pushing back and against any and all adults in my life.
Its hard to know now, with a teen, how to be.
How to hold space and just show up.
For the brainstorm of irrational thinking and behaviors.
Yet today we know so much more than we ever did.
The natural individuation that must happen to establish an independent self.
The importance to hold steady, and be present.
Even as the words and sometimes dishes go flying.
As a mama it is humbling.
And I recognize the opportunity that as I show up for my daughter(s) I am also showing up for my younger self.
That needed to express.
And know someone would be there no matter what.
To all the mamas out there parenting teens (and in my case mirror reflections of my younger self) I send love and prayers.
Its not easy but the love we hold,
the endless patience and persistence we show up with,
will indeed change lives.
That of our childrens as well as ourselves as we reparent our wounded parts.
Happy fucking Friday.