Today is transfer number 2. And while it’s been a whirl of emotions to get to this point, it’s also a privilege.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what today means to me. I’ll be honest. There’s been moments of guilt mixed with confidence that I know we’ve done everything reasonable and possible to give us and our surrogate the best possible chance.
On the other hand, I’ve found feelings of guilt trickling in to my brain. Guilt that we didn’t do some of these tests before our first transfer. Guilt for my naive optimism. I know in my heart, guilt shouldn’t play a role, but I also know for myself it had been me who was transferring, I would NEVER had gone through without without ticking these boxes first. But c’est la vie.
What I’ve come to feel ultimately is an immense feeling of privilege. The privilege to have another embryo to transfer. The privilege of having a surrogate who has stood by my side. The privilege to have access to amazing healthcare, finances that though stressed allow us to continue this process.
And ultimately, the huge privilege to be able to make this decision. That the decision of how and when and IF to transfer an embryo is a decision that I, along with my surrogate, my partner, and my healthcare professional @eggwhisperer get to make freely.
So whatever happens, happens. I’m hoping for the the best of course. But I’ll always know that this decision was made of my own free will.
So #LFG !