Sophia Sideris, née Athas (@Hatrikkk), and now-husband James (@JSideris) had a vision for their wedding from the get-go. Their goal was a modern Greek affair: halcyon, romantic, and sumptuous in that rich, warm way. They tied the knot in the same Greek Orthodox church where Sophia’s parents had been married in 28 years prior. At the reception, dinner tables overflowed with Mediterranean fare, and the decor was also a pastiche of old and nouveau Greece: hand-stitched table cloths, exuberant florals, and miniature classical sculptures made out of butter (that was James’s touch). A disco ball was the cherry on top. “I draped the entire dance floor in a fluoro pink drape,” Sophia continues. “It definitely wasn’t the traditional white-on-white, but we both love colour. This came out in the overall look and feel of the day.” Go inside Sophia and James’s wedding at the link in bio.
📷 @AliceMahran