What are the most desirable and in-demand skills for the future of work?
According to the Linked In Workplace Learning Reports it isn't technical skills like being able to code or marketing.
Instead it is the softer skills like emotional intelligence, resilience, the ability to learn and empathetic leadership. Being able to deal with stressful events and turn them into valuable learning points. Often we take for granted how important soft skills are because we use them every day.
But the problem with soft skills is that they're not actually soft at all. They're really pretty hard. And there is still a school of thought that they can't be learnt, you either have them or don't.
Genetics and social upbringing may give some people an initial advantage but if you have a growth mindset and put in deliberate practice, just as you would if you were learning a technical skill like playing an instrument, you'll get good very quickly.
Honest feedback on personal skills like public speaking, empathy or leadership can be uncomfortable, because they are so tied to our identity and who we are. But if you are able to push through the hard stuff, that is where the magic happens.
We just need to practise the growth mindset that we advocate for our children. I am not skilled at empathetic leadership yet. Add that one little word and anything is possible.