When I go slow enough, for long enough, it’s easy to see the gentle flow underneath all things. Around that which moves fast, there is a slow holding. And in what appears as stillness there are subtle movements. Come to a complete stop inside and you’ll feel it.
When I am slow with Nature, I can feel the quiet cooperation present. Everything is working together. Even that which appears, at first glance, to be competing.
As this long cross country sojourn came to an end and I got still, I began to see in a deeper way the profound cooperation of all aspects of who I am.
Ego. Survival mind. Trauma. Patterning.
On one level these energies are distorting what heart centered presence is unwinding. They appear at odds with one another. And there is a whole lot of spiritual teaching, inside and outside of religion, that point to that level of reality.
Right and wrong. Good and evil. Sin and salvation. Light and shadow. God and the devil. And yes, vibrationally, the energies of love and fear are separate. Not in harmony.
But like a metronome, if simply given time, these frequencies will find a common resonance. They will find their way to harmony. Consider why that is.
What does that say about the natural state of all things? About the essential fabric of the Universe?
I invite you to exhale to a complete stop with this for a moment. This is where I know, if I remain long enough, I am held together by Love.