Georgia Hudson created this stunning new film with Adam & Eve. Perfectly timed with the new Fashioning Masculinity show, the film whirls around the wonderful museum exhibits. It gives us a stylish and contemporary take on the power of creativity, something which the V&A shares with so many.
Production company: Park Pictures
Executive Producer: Fran Thompson
Producer: Kelly Brown
Production Manager: Fred Deedes
Director: Georgia Hudson
D.O.P: Seamus McGarvey
Lead Choreographer: Max Cookward
Assistant Choreographer: Magnus Westwell
Advertising Agency: adam&eveDDB, UK
Chief Creative Officer: Richard Brim
Creative Director: Mark Shanley
Copywriter: Edward Usher
Art director: Xander Hart
Agency producer: Kreepa Naisbitt, Sally Patterson
Editing Company: Trim
Editor: Paul O’Reilly, Helena Teixeira
Time Based Arts
2D Lead: Matt Shires
2D Team: Will Robinson, Stephen Grasso
3D Team: Sam Osborne, Federico Vanone, Guillaume Heussler, Bethan Williams, Mike Battcock
Colourist: Lewis Crossfield
Producer: Sian Jenkins
Production Assistant: Angie Broomfield