“But when I began to write that was the place where I had to go. That’s where the information was. That’s where the images were. That’s where the language the color came in, these tales folktales attitudes, the normal easy acceptance of signs. And then things began to happen that were really quite startling.”
-Beloved Ancestor, Toni Morrison, my guide, guiding me before I even knew her and when I found her I found a piece of me. It was indeed, literally, quite startling. frfr
in this pour: everyday phone wallpaper of little larry “beginning to write” 12:12 screenshot unlocked, toni morrison speaking to the ancestral pour and pull of it all, present day larry’s pour and pull setup for a piece in part on the ancestors of it all, larry’s cousin brit dreaming of what larry’s soul twin texted him about two days prior on the living water of it all, larry’s younger brother lance’s deeply powerful and beautiful story post of a photo with his son, larry’s first and only nephew, landon screenshot at 1:11, a license plate on the 1111 life of it all, more signs, more wonders, 8888, ladybugs on balenciagas and an ode to black human magic with a sign to stay woke but give woke culture a rest. we are all connected.