I am proud to say that I have been accepted to The University of South Alabama! I will be pursuing my Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) with a speciality in Women’s Health! I have waited so long for this day to come and I cannot believe it is finally here.
MY REASON: If you are new to my page, welcome! My journey towards becoming a Women’s Health NP all started when I was a child. My mother has battled with various obstetrical and gynecological conditions ranging from malignancies to ectopic pregnancy. The care she received from the different interdisciplinary teams sparked my interest in this field of medicine. Specifically, her Nurse Practitioner brought such a large amount of positivity and knowledge that we needed in this very scary time of life. I want to be there for those who are in their most vulnerable stages of life wether it be a life long battle with ovarian cancer or struggling to become pregnant.
MY PLAN: I will continue working as a Registered Nurse in the OB/GYN field of medicine while going to school full time. I have yet to decide if I want to continue working full time or drop down to part time and focus on my studies. What do you guys think?
I would also like to give a huge thank you to those who have been following my nursing journey from the start. I started this page when I first become a CNA/PCT. The amount of support and love I have received from the nursing community is amazing!
NEXT STOP: BSN-DNP (WHNP) 👩🏽⚕️👩🏽🍼🤰🩸💉