Peering through my mask into the sprawling meadow below, I searched the long, swaying blades for the tiniest stirrings of life. Seagrass beds shelter mollusks, little crustaceans, and other, often overlooked members of the ocean community. They also serve as the foraging grounds for manatees, rays, and sea turtles, supporting a bustling ecosystem of marine life. With the discovery of the nearly 93,000 square kilometer underwater meadow off the Bahamas, our ocean now has a fighting chance to recover as the nation surges forward towards a nature-based, blue economy. We are closer than ever to creating a world where future generations may thrive as a part of a healthy, living planet— we just need to hold onto the hope and the courage to keep reaching for it. @btwaves@sealegacy#bluecarbon#blueeconomy#naturalcapital#keepthehope@draustingallagher@carlosduartephd