Today your mom told us that you were born a month early (you were SO meant to be a Gemini, you charming mercurial Svengali) and as a baby you were both “cuddly and fussy at the same time” and I couldn’t have imagined a more apt description of you.
*EST please make Colson a shirt that says cuddly and fussy 🙏🏼*
The world has no idea what a gentle, beautiful heart you have.
How generous and how thoughtful you are…
How absurdly strange and smart and witty you are…
You are by far the most unique human I have ever met.
And if I could get the boy who has everything something special for his birthday - I would lift the veil off of their eyes so they could see what I see.
You’re such a gorgeous soul.
I’m honored to love you and to be the recipient of your love
Happy Birthday love of my life ❤️🩹